Agile, DevOps, And Scrum —Debunking 9 Common Myths

Becoming agile practitioners wasn’t a cakewalk for us. We crossed many hurdles to reach where we are — a place where we are not just incorporating an agile approach in our projects but all in all our in-house processes. Tools like JIRA, Basecamp, Slack, and many more have become our go-to stop for all our collaboration and communication. Today, we have become experts at Agile but it didn’t come so easy to us. 

The initial path was rough and we were faced with many misconceptions and myths. Over the years, we learned more about the process and along with it, we also embraced DevOps and Scrum. Today, when we see people still fearing Agile or failing at it or even more — mistaking Agile for Scrum and DevOps, we feel like we have to debunk all the myths.