Tracking Distributed Errors in Serverless Apps

Microservices give us as developers an incredible amount of freedom. We can choose our language and decide where and when to deploy our service. One of the biggest challenges with microservices, though, is figuring out how things go wrong. With microservices, we can build large, distributed applications, but that also means finding what goes wrong is challenging. It’s even harder to trace errors when you use a platform like AWS Lambda.

As good developers, we write our unit tests and integration tests, and we make sure those tests all pass. Together, with the Quality Assurance team, we write complex test scenarios to make sure our code behaves the way we intended. The one thing, though, we can never predict is how our end-users will use the software. There are always new issues we didn’t think would happen. That is why application monitoring tools like are useful. Those events can be errors, but they can also be other types of events.