Java: It’s Time to Move Your Application to Java 11

In the past few years, several exciting things have happened in the Java world, among them is certainly the new version control. Previously, it could take anywhere between two or three years for a new version to be released. Now, there's a new cadence every six months in addition to the LTS for new versions of the JVM. Currently, there is already work to deliver Java 14, however, as the latest research reveals, the use of Java 8 remains very strong for the market. This post aims to encourage and discuss the reasons for upgrading to Java 11, the current Java LTS.

There are several Java surveys that show that Java 8 is still the most popular version among developers, such as the SNYK that shows Java 8 with 64% against 25% in Java 11 and Eclipse Foundation where the number is even more significant with 80% with Java 8 against 20% with Java 11.