Get to Know JSF: An Easy and Straightforward a Jakarta Framework

Developing web systems is a reality in the current market, and the Jakarta Server Faces framework is a standard Jakarta EE option to solve this type of problem. One of the characteristics of JSF is to work in a way oriented towards screen components and their events (for example, clicks). In this way, we can associate these components with different aspects of our system, such as the execution of business operations, value conversions, field validations, etc. In this article, we'll talk about this JSF and how to move this application to the cloud with

To celebrate the new year, let's create a small wish list in Java with Jakarta EE technologies. In the front end, we'll use Java Server Faces (JSF), a Java-based web application framework that simplifies the development and integration of web-based user interfaces with several already-made components. To store the list, let's use MongoDB.