RION – A Fast, Compact, Versatile Data Format

Raw Internet Object Notation (RION) is a fast, compact, versatile data format. Yes, I know what you are thinking: "Yet another data format." How is this different from CSV, XML, JSON, YAML, ProtoBuf, MessagePack, CBOR, Amazon’s ION, Apache Avro or ASN.1? Hang on, and I’ll explain that throughout this article, but first I will have to give a bit of background information on RION.

A Data Format for Efficient Exchange and Storage of Data

RION is developed by Nanosai, a distributed systems R&D company (which I am a co-founder of) as an "open standard" — meaning everyone is welcome to use it. RION was originally designed as a data format for efficient data exchange. However, we have since expanded the target use case to include efficient storage of structured data too.