Agile Enthusiasts: How Do You Stay Productive?

If you like to read articles in the Agile Zone, then you have an interest in how to best maximize time spent on projects. It’s in an Agile disciple’s DNA.

So if you’ve got a minute, we’d like to pick your brain. Our second annual State of the Developer survey is now open. Take this 5-minute survey to help us better understand how you like to learn, what your hurdles are to productivity and what dev-focused companies can do to make the experience better.

AI Experts: What Helps You Do Your Job Better?

We’ve got a hunch that developers in the AI sector are superstar learners. With the way AI and machine learning are evolving, you have to keep up with the latest news to stay on top of your developer game.

With that in mind, we’d to pick your brain. Our second annual State of the Developer survey is open. Take this 5-minute survey to help us better understand how you like to learn, what your hurdles are to being more productive and what companies can do to make the developer experience better.

How do Developers and Architects Like to Learn and Stay Efficient? Take our Survey!

Database technologies change, and so do the ways developers and architects like to learn about and work with them.  We’re tracking that in our State of the Developer survey. It’s open and we’d like you to take a few minutes to complete it.

Here’s some of the interesting things we learned from our survey of more than 800 developers last year about they believe hinders productivity:

Migrating a Vue.js App to Vuex

One of the difficult things about getting started with Vuex is that it is not so much a library as it is a design pattern. It follows that implementing Vuex is not so much about using an API, as it is about structuring your code to comply with the pattern. If you're new to Vuex, this will be daunting.

In this article, I'll demonstrate how to get started migrating Vuex into an existing Vue.js project. I'll show you how to identify the parts of your app's state that belong in Vuex, and those that don't, how to refactor your component functions into mutations, actions and so on, and finally we'll discuss the benefits accrued.

4 AJAX Patterns for Vue.js Apps

If you ask two Vue.js developers "what's the best way to use AJAX in an app?" you'll get three different opinions.

Vue doesn't provide an official way of implementing AJAX, and there are a number of different design patterns that may be used effectively. Each comes with its own pros and cons and should be judged based on the requirements. You may even use several simultaneously!

What Is a Service in Angular and Why Should You Use it?

Angular Services

Angular services are singleton objects that get instantiated only once during the lifetime of an application. They contain methods that maintain data throughout the life of an application, i.e. data does not get refreshed and is available all the time. The main objective of a service is to organize and share business logic, models, or data and functions with different components of an Angular application.

An example of when to use services would be to transfer data from one controller to another custom service.

Using JSX With Vue.js

Love it or hate it, JSX is a popular extension to JavaScript that allows XML tokens in your scripts.

If you want to create templates in your script files and you find Vue's render() function to be difficult to work with, JSX may be just what you need.

Create a Vuex Undo/Redo Plugin for Vue.js

There are many benefits to centralizing your application state in a Vuex store. One benefit is that all transaction are recorded. This allows for handy features like time-travel debugging where you can jump between previous states to isolate problems.

In this article, I'll demonstrate how to create an undo/redo feature with Vuex, which works in a similar way to time-travel debugging. This feature could be used in a variety of scenarios from complex forms to browser-based games.

Getting Your Head Around Vue.js Scoped Slots

Scoped slots are a useful feature of Vue.js that can make components more versatile and reusable. The only problem is they're difficult to understand! Trying to get your head around the interweaving of parent and child scopes is like solving a tough math equation.

A good approach when you can't understand something easily is to try put it to use in solving a problem. In this article, I'll demonstrate how I used scoped slots to build a reusable list component.

Server-Side Rendering With Laravel and Vue.js 2.5

Server-side rendering is a great way to increase the perception of loading speed in your full-stack app. Users get a complete page with visible content when they load your site, as opposed to an empty page that doesn't get populated until JavaScript runs.

One of the downsides of using Laravel as a backend for Vue.js was the inability to server render your code. Was. The release of Vue.js 2.5.0 has brought server-side rendering support to non-Node.js environments including PHP, Python, Ruby, etc.

In this tutorial, I'll take you through the setup steps for Laravel and demonstrate a simple server-rendered app. Get the code for this here on GitHub.

Meet “The Ethical Design Handbook”: How To Leave Dark Patterns Behind

Meet “The Ethical Design Handbook”: How To Leave Dark Patterns Behind

Meet “The Ethical Design Handbook”: How To Leave Dark Patterns Behind

Vitaly Friedman

Over the past twenty years, user privacy has become merely a commodity on the web: there, but hardly ever respected — and often swiftly discarded. No wonder ad-blockers have gained traction, browsers have introduced tracking protection, and new legislation in form of GDPR and CCPA brought regulations for data collection.

We need to craft better digital products that respect customer’s choices without hurting business KPIs. And we need to do so by taming data collection and abandoning dark patterns, from hidden checkboxes to ambiguous copywriting. How do we get there?

That’s the question we wanted to answer. Meet Ethical Design Handbook, a new Smashing book full of practical techniques and blueprints on how companies ridden with shady practices can shift towards better, sustainable design. Download a free PDF excerpt (5 MB).

Print + eBook

$ 29.00 $ 39.00

Quality hardcover. Free worldwide shipping, starting early March. 100 days money-back-guarantee.


$ 14.90 $ 19.00

DRM-free, of course. ePUB, Kindle, PDF.
Included with Smashing Membership.

About The Book

When we set out to write this book, we wanted to develop a new type of working framework to empower people to practice ethical design in their business, in their teams, and with their products. The reason was simple: too many products we use today have become machines for tricking customers into decisions they never intended to make. That’s not quite the web we want to see around us.

The cover of the Ethical Design Handbook

Many business models thrive on ingeniously deceptive and manipulative digital products. Not because they have to; mostly because it has become an accepted norm as everybody else seems to be doing it as well. But what happens when the norm is shattered?

  • What happens if you can’t get access to personal data that’s been feeding the machine all this time?
  • What if you can’t track customers wandering from one website to another?
  • What happens when ad-blocking becomes mainstream and your advertising scripts are dismissed by crafty blockers?
  • How should the role and responsibilties of marketing team change with new regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA?
  • What if your competitors discover an alternative business model way before you do?
  • What competitive advantages can your business gain by focusing on privacy and transparency?

The Ethical Design Handbook explores alternative, compliant and sustainable strategies. The book explores how companies and organizations, small and large, can move towards ethical design and become more healthy and profitable along the way. It’s a practical guide for everyone who works with digital products as a designer, developer, product manager, lawyer or in management.

The book features interface design examples that take ethical design principles into the account. Large preview.

Table Of Contents

In the book, you’ll learn how to:

  1. Define and explain what ethical design is,
  2. Justify and prove a business case for ethical decisions,
  3. Measure and track the impact of ethical design,
  4. Grow a sustainable business on ethical principles,
  5. Strike the balance between data collection and ethics,
  6. Embed ethical design into your workflow,
  7. Get started with ethical transformation.

368 pages. The eBook is already available (PDF, ePUB, Amazon Kindle). We’ll ship printed copies early March 2020. Written by Trine Falbe, Martin Michael Frederiksen and Kim Andersen.

Print + eBook

$ 29.00 $ 39.00

Quality hardcover. Free worldwide shipping, starting early March. 100 days money-back-guarantee.


$ 14.90 $ 19.00

DRM-free, of course. ePUB, Kindle, PDF.
Included with Smashing Membership.

About The Authors

Trine FalbeTrine Falbe is a human-centered UX strategist, designer and teacher who works in the intersection between people and business. Trine is deeply passionate about ethical design and designing for children, and she is also a keynote speaker at conferences and a UX advisor in strategic projects.

Martin Michael FrederiksenAs a serial entrepreneur since the very first browser, Martin Michael Frederiksen was born with a practical appreciation for the crossroads between business and digital development. He has published the books Cross Channel and the CEO’s Guide to IT Projects That Cannot Fail. He works as an independent consultant for businesses that need a devil’s advocate when trying out new strategies and ideas.

Kim AndersenAfter training at an international advertising agency, Kim Andersen quickly left print media for digital design. Owing to his amazing memory he always leaves design meetings with an empty notebook, only to attend the following meeting armed with drawings where nothing has been forgotten and everything is drawn in great detail. He owns the digital design studio Onkel Kim, where he can be hired to do design tasks, preferably the most difficult and complex ones where the brain is working overtime.

Technical Details

The book features scorecards and blueprints, applicable to your work right away. Large view.

Community Matters ❤️

With The Ethical Design Handbook, we’ve tried to create a very focused handbook with applicable, long-living solutions and strategies to introduce a positive change in companies ridden with dark patterns and questionable practices.

There is quite a bit of work to do on the web, but our hope is that with this book, you will be equipped with enough tooling to slowly move a company towards a more sustainable and healthy digital footprint.

Producing a book takes quite a bit of time, and we couldn’t pull it off without the support of our wonderful community. A huge shout-out to Smashing Members for their ongoing support in our adventures. As a result, the eBook is and always will be free for Smashing Members. Plus, Members get a friendly discount when purchasing their printed copy.

Stay smashing, and thank you for your ongoing support, everyone!

The Ethical Design Handbook

Print + eBook

$ 29.00 $ 39.00

Quality hardcover. Free worldwide shipping, starting early March. 100 days money-back-guarantee.


$ 14.90 $ 19.00

DRM-free, of course. ePUB, Kindle, PDF.
Included with Smashing Membership.

More Smashing Books

Promoting best practices and providing you with practical tips to master your daily coding and design challenges has always been (and will be) at the core of everything we do at Smashing. In the past few years, we were very lucky to have worked together with some talented, caring people from the web community to publish their wealth of experience as printed books that stand the test of time. Alla, Adam and Heydon are some of these people. Have you checked out their books already?