Create Charts in an Angular 7 Application Using Chart.js

Chart.js is a powerful open source data visualization library. This helps to visualize or represent a data inside a web application using JavaScipt. It helps to plot the data into 8 different types of chart like bars, lines, pies, etc. This Chart.js graphs are highly customizable and used in web application development to build a responsive and beautiful graph.


  • We should have a basic knowledge of Angular and Web API.
  • Visual Studio Code can be installed.
  • Visual Studio.
  • SQL Server Management Studio.

Project Implementation Steps

  1. Database.
  2. Web API to fetch data from the database.
  3. Angular 7 project.
You may also like: Cube.js and Chart.js Example With Dynamic Dataset.

Step 1

Open SQL Server Management Studio and create a table Tblplayer and add some demo data into this table.