What’s New With Jakarta NoSQL? (Part 1): Intro to Document With MongoDB

Jakarta EE picks up where Java EE 8 left off, but the roadmap going forward will be focused on modern innovations like microservices, modularity, and NoSQL databases. This post will talk about the newest milestone version of this new specification and the subsequent actions to make the Jakarta EE community even greater in the cloud.

Why Jakarta NoSQL?

Vendor lock-in is one of the things any Java developer needs to consider when choosing NoSQL databases. If there’s a need for a switch, other considerations include time spent on the change, the learning curve of a new API to use with this database, the code that will be lost, the persistence layer that needs to be replaced. Jakarta NoSQL avoids most of these issues through Communication APIs. Jakarta NoSQL also has template classes that apply the design pattern ‘template method’ to database operations. And the Repository interface allows Java developers to create and extend interfaces, with implementation automatically provided by Jakarta NoSQL — support method queries built by developers will automatically be implemented for them.