Running IntelliJ IDEA in Jenkins

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It may be argued that IntelliJ IDEA has the most advanced static Java code analyzer, whose capabilities leaves "veterans" like Checkstyle and Spotbugs far behind. Its many “inspections” check various aspects of the code, from coding style to certain kinds of bugs.

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However, as long as the results of the analysis are visible only to a sole developer in her IDE, they are of little use in the software delivery process. Static analysis should be performed as the first step of the delivery pipeline, and the build should fail if the results of this step don’t pass quality gates. JetBrains' TeamCity CI is known to be integrated with IDEA. Less known is the fact that even if you are not using TeamCity, you may run IDEA inspections on any other CI server. Let’s see how this may be done using the IDEA Community Edition, Jenkins, and the Warnings NG plugin.