How to Choose the Right IoT Platform: The Ultimate Checklist

Choosing the right IoT platform is a complex endeavor. Whether you’re an IoT hobbyist, experienced developer, or senior executive, the landscape is massive and confusing. This article aims to clear up some of the complexity and offer a quick and scannable guide of the IoT platform landscape. It also provides criteria for how you should evaluate IoT platforms based on your needs.

"We’re a cross-functional, fully-integrated, full-stack, serverless, hardware agnostic, AI, IoT platform that offers you infinite infrastructure . . ." said every confusing IoT platform website ever.

What Is an IoT Platform?

In the simplest terms, an IoT platform is an integrated service that offers you the things you need to bring physical objects online. It needs to be capable of supporting millions of simultaneous device connections and easily allow you to configure your devices for machine-to-machine communication.