CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXXVI

This is one of these little roundups of things going on with myself, this site, and the other sites that are part of the CSS-Tricks family.

I was recently in Zürich for Front Conference. It was my first time there and I very much enjoyed the city and the lovely staff of the conference. I was terribly jetlagged for my opener talk so I feel like I didn't quite nail it how I wanted to, but whattyagonnado.

It's named "How to Think Like a Front-End Developer" but it's really more like an adaptation of "ooooops I guess we’re full-stack developers now."

I've packed in several more conferences this fall:

  1. - Web Unleashed - Toronto, Canada
  2. - Dot All - Montreal, Canada
  3. - ARTIFACT - Austin, Texas - Use coupon code LASTCHANCE200 for this one.
  4. - All Things Open - Raleigh, North Carolina
  5. - JAMstack_conf - San Francisco, California

Speaking of conferences, if you know of any coming up that aren't on our master list of front-end related web conferences, please do a pull request or contact me.

If we've got anything at ShopTalk Show, it's consistency! I don't even remember the last time we've missed a week, and I enjoy making the show just as much now as I ever have.

Perhaps my favorite show of late was just chatting with Dave about what technology we would pick if on a greenfield (from scratch) project under different circumstances.

But mostly we chat with folks like Tyler McGinnis, Adam Argyle, Rachel Andrew, and Lara Hogan.

We're moving right along at CodePen as well!

  • You can now export Pens with a build process, meaning after an npm install, you have an offline version of CodePen to work with. Need to spin up a little processing environment for like Markdown/Sass/React/Babel? Just set up a blank Pen that way, export it, and you've got it.
  • We're building more and more of CodePen in React, and I think we're past the tipping point where the value in that becomes more and more clear. It's a good technological fit for our type of site. For example, we re-wrote how items are displayed and grids-of-items across the site. So now we build some little feature into it like "pinning" items, and it instantly sprinkles out to all the grids on the entire site. Same with filtering and view options.
  • Along those same lines, little moments like this feel very satisfying to me. That's related to our "Private by Default" feature.
  • We released a feature so you can block other users if it comes down to that (as well as report them to us).
  • We released some high contrast syntax highlighting themes that are both more accessible and darn nice to look at.

I got to be on Giant Robots!

We started an Instagram account at @real_css_tricks. The plan is just little educational tidbits.

The post CSS-Tricks Chronicle XXXVI appeared first on CSS-Tricks.