This Week in Spring: Spring Tutorials, Podcasts, News, and More

This week holds a lot of exciting new tutorials and releases in Spring

Hi, Spring fans! Welcome to another installment of This Week in Spring! We've just finished celebrating Labor Day here in the Long home, in San Francisco, USA. It was a fun day spent with family and friends, and I wasn't sure if I could have any more fun this week, but it's Tuesday, and you know what that means: another epic installment of This Week in Spring.

You may also like: A Guide to the Spring Framework's Annotations

I can't believe we're already in September, staring down the last few months of the year already! As usual, one of my favorite parts of the journey to the next year is the arrival of the epic SpringOne Platform show. This year is no different: I can't wait to celebrate the show with friends in epic Austin, TX. Will you be there? Let me know!