stop: 0x0000007B (0xBACC3528,0xC0000034, 0x00000000, 0x00000000

i recently bought a used laptop because my old lap, which btw gets the same BSOD message and has been running linux for over 5 years reacted poorly to my resizing the lvm and gave me hours of dbus I/O sr0 errors. so I saw a dell larrirude on amazon for $93.00. It was running windows 7 pro . It on;y had 1 360 gig drive no webcam and no 10 key. so I thougjt I would download a new linux os for the laptop i killed. but it wasn't booting to any of them. so I found a lightweight os that installed from windows. I partitioned off 25 gigs and installed it on my new to me laptop. Mainly to determine if it was the old computer or the new ones image burning capabilities. i installed it. it worked fine i went to boot up windows and it went into recovery mode. i tried system restore and windows vanished. i tried a few different things nothing was working linuxconsole also crashed so i installed centos which is workimg I put the working hard drive im the old laptop because It has two hard drives and I wanted to see why windows was gome. I had found an old barte PE disk and installed it on the old laptop before the new one died so i thought maybe i could fix it that way. what I found was windows 7 is still there rhe drive letters have changed. iand they will not let me change them backand now when i try to use the barte cd it comes up with the same BSOD codes...what have I done?

WordPress Governance Project Looks for New Leadership

The WordPress Governance project is looking for new leadership after its current leaders, Rachel Cherry and Morten Rand-Hendriksen, announced that they will be stepping down. Weekly meetings have been canceled until the organization selects new leadership.

After its introduction at WordCamp Europe 2018, the project went through what its leadership believed were the appropriate channels for launching it through the Community group but it was flagged as unsanctioned by WordPress leadership shortly before the first meeting and denied access to the Make blog and Slack workspace. Despite initial setbacks, the group has been meeting regularly throughout 2019 on its own website and Slack instance.

“I need to step down from my leadership role in this project,” Cherry said in a recent meeting. “I’m not stepping away for good, but this project is too important and I don’t have the bandwidth needed to keep it moving forward in the manner it deserves.”

She said the team is looking for two co-chairs who will help lead WordPress Governance going forward. Responsibilities include managing the overall vision and planning, as well as managing meetings and delegating assignments in support of the vision. Cherry said the duties list is intentionally “slim and vague,” as the leadership team doesn’t want the new leaders to feel they have to keep doing what has been done in the past.

“The Governance Project was always meant to be a community project meaning we want the community to take ownership of it,” Rand-Hendriksen said in his farewell announcement. “This is the first step: We’ve established the project and set some parameters. Now it’s time for the community to move beyond our intentionally vague vision and make it into what the community wants and needs. New internal governance in the form of co-chairs from the actual community is a key step in this direction.”

Governance Project Aims to Bring Clarity to WordPress’ Organizational Structure and Decision Making Process

In a recent post titled “What is governance and why does it matter,” Cherry said that the project “made a crucial error” in not clearly setting clear expectations at the beginning:

This lack of clarity, combined with a growing undercurrent of unrest in the WordPress community, led some to label the project a revolt, a revolution, even a coup.

That’s unfortunate and has done governance, and our project, a disservice. I feel it’s incumbent upon myself and Morten to set the record straight so we are able to move forward as a community.

Cherry identified two recent controversial issues within the WordPress project with debates that highlight a lack of established policy, including auto-updating old versions of WordPress and questions about conflicts of interest.

On both of these matters members of the governance project have chimed in on the Make/WordPress posts to urge decision makers to establish policies that will guide future decisions and to be more transparent about who is making the decisions.

Rand-Hendriksen asked questions about how and where the decision will be made regarding auto-updating old versions of WordPress, who holds responsibility for the final decision, and how people without decision-making power will be represented. His questions went unanswered.

“The WordPress project already has some governance, but much of it remains ad-hoc, opaque, and often inscrutable,” Cherry said. She identified three key areas where the WordPress Governance project seeks to introduce clarity and transparency: organizational structure, day-to-day processes, and how decisions are made.

The group is also actively working on researching and drafting policies around a variety of topics, including the following:

  • Community Code of Conduct
  • Diversity and Inclusion Policy
  • Code of Ethics
  • Privacy Policy
  • Conflict of Interest Policy
  • Accessibility Policy

It is not clear whether these policies would then be submitted to WordPress’ community team for consideration, as the group has not yet attempted to propose a finished document.

“Considering there’s no clear process for proposing and ratifying these types of policies, the goal of these efforts are to create a starting point for future official discussions within the WordPress project,” Cherry said.

The Challenge of Defining Governance in a BDFL-led Open Source Project

In the past, WordPress has navigated controversial issues in its own way. While the project has handbooks that offer guidelines, its leadership has never really been in the business of piling up policies to act on in anticipation of of future conflicts. The Governance project seems to have a good deal of both active and passive supporters. Regardless, when it was officially branded as unsanctioned, it was clear that WordPress’ leadership was not actively looking to amend its organizational structure or decision-making process through the Governance project’s particular approach.

Cherry’s post clearly states that the project is not aiming to overthrow Matt Mullenweg as WordPress’ Benevolent Dictator for Life (BDFL).

“Governance and Matt Mullenweg leading the WordPress project are not mutually exclusive,” Cherry said.

“The goal of the WordPress Governance Project isn’t to change how Matt is involved, but to more clearly define how the project is managed, and how he and others fit into the process.”

The BDFL governance model has traditionally operated with leaders acting more as a “community-approved arbitrator,” who often “let things work themselves out through discussion and experimentation whenever possible,” as Karl Fogel describes in Producing Open Source Software. Historically, WordPress’ particular expression of BDFL leadership has loosely followed this design.

In her February 2019 newsletter, Nadia Eghbal, a researcher who specializes in open source infrastructure, shared some informal thoughts about governance, particularly in relationship to BDFL-led projects:

A friend of mine has very good taste in music, but I couldn’t tell you what he listens to. I couldn’t name a single artist he plays, or where one song begins or ends. His view is that “the best kind of music is where nobody notices it’s playing”. In his ideal world, music shapes ambiance as a background process.

Similarly, despite all our talk about governance design, I keep coming back to the idea that the best kind of governance is where nobody can tell it’s there.

Eghbal describes the relationship between the “government” and “the governed” as fragile and symbiotic and that “having power can be just as vulnerable [as disenfranchisement], an act of cupping water in your hands, rather than closing your fist over it.” Maintaining a BDFL leadership role requires diplomacy and a broad awareness of the project’s needs. Eghbal surmises that contributors support a leader in this position because of the character the leader has demonstrated:

In open source, there’s this concept of a “benevolent dictator for life”: a developer, usually the author, who runs the project and whose authority is not challenged. This phrase is often interpreted as “You’re the dictator, but at least you’re nice about it”. But I think there’s a hidden causal relationship that gets missed. It’s not that you’re a dictator who’s decided to be benevolent. Rather: because you are benevolent, you get to be dictator for life.

This idea echoes Fogel’s summary of the qualities of a good BDF. The forkability of any open source project serves to keep BDFL powers in check:

It is common for the benevolent dictator to be a founder of the project, but this is more a correlation than a cause. The sorts of qualities that make one able to successfully start a project — technical competence, ability to persuade other people to join, and so on — are exactly the qualities any BD would need.

In reviewing the 16-year history of WordPress’ leadership structure on a Post Status podcast episode earlier this year, Matt Mullenweg described different experiments the project has explored, including a “lead developers consensus” approach and having the release lead as the final decision maker for the software. In recent years he has returned to a more overt BDFL model but said, “I don’t see that as the forever structure.”

In attempting to clarify WordPress’ organizational structure and decision making model, the independent Governance project will need to be sensitive to the possibility that this ability to improvise and evolve the project’s leadership structures may have been one of the key factors in its continued growth and long-term ability to thrive.

The new leaders who replace Cherry and Rand-Hendriksen will have a formidable challenge ahead of them in carving out a path for the organization to have a meaningful impact on WordPress, despite not being designated as an official project. As it stands, the leaders face an uphill climb in moving the project from an unofficial working group to one that can effectively draft policies that WordPress will readily adopt.

Multiline truncated text with “show more” button

Now that we've got cross-browser support for the line-clamp property, I expect we'll see a lot more of that around the web. And as we start to see it more in use, it’s worth the reminder that: Truncation is not a content strategy.

We should at least offer a way to read that that truncated content, right? Paul Bakaus uses the checkbox hack and some other trickery to add a functional button that does exactly that.

See the Pen
truncated text w/ more button (CSS only, with optional JS helper)
by Paul Bakaus (@pbakaus)
on CodePen.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

The post Multiline truncated text with “show more” button appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

MTN Opens Mobile Money API to Ghana

MTN, an emerging market mobile operator across Africa and the Middle East, has expanded its Mobile Money API to Ghana. The API enables remote, automated collection of bills, fees, and taxes. Once collected, users can automatically direct funds to users and accounts. Prior to the Ghana addition, the API was open to developers in Uganda.

#235: Blocking

Show Description

Chris and Klare talk about the planning and process of building a blocking feature for CodePen.

Time Jumps

  • 00:27 Topic introduction
  • 01:03 Why did we build blocking in?
  • 08:31 Complicated UI decisions and planning
  • 15:46 Sponsor: Flywheel
  • 17:19 Planning out blocking
  • 26:11 Adding report as an option

Sponsor: Flywheel

Flywheel is the best WordPress hosting out there. Of course they have local WordPress development down with Local by Flywheel, which you can use no matter what, the hosting itself is equally good. Everything is just easier on Flywheel, and the support you get from the early days of helping get your site moved to the fiddly little stuff you'll run into down the road, they got your back.

Show Links

CodePen Links

What Is Endpoint Security and Why Is it Necessary Today?


Also called endpoint protection in the world of network security, endpoint security describes the practices and methodologies adopted for the safeguarding of corporate computer systems and networks that can be remotely accessed via wireless gadgets (called client devices), such as laptops, mobiles, desktops, tablets, notebooks and the like.

General components of an endpoint security system include client software and security software. The former is installed separately on every wireless device that is employed to access the corporate network from a remote location. Security software, on the other hand, is a part of the security system that is positioned on a gateway or server and which can be accessed and managed centrally.

Six Python Tips for Beginners

Python is one of the easiest programming languages to learn. The syntax is close to English. Beginners generally encounter only a few surprises, such as forced indentation and the use of  self in methods.

At some point, everyone starts reading, copying, and editing other people’s code. That’s where the confusion starts.

The Ongoing Reactification of CodePen

We used to have a project planning document literally called "The Ongoing Reactification of CodePen" in our company Notion. It's called "CodePen on the New Stack" now, as of course, React is just one of the tools in our new preferred stack that we build new UI with and replace other areas of the site with.

CodePen has long been a Ruby on Rails site, and we aren't looking to change that necessarily, but as time ticks on our stack evolves.

  • More and more of our site is powered by Node and serverless functions, so much so that we recently decided to consolidate all our Node projects into a monorepo in order to more efficiently share code.
  • More and more of our site is client-side routed and built from React components.
  • More and more of our data is accessed from Apollo GraphQL queries and changed and sent back with Apollo GraphQL mutations.
  • More and more of our client state is managed with Apollo as well, a move away from our early days in Redux.

We're not exactly on a mad dash to replace the entire site in React'n'friends, but quite a while ago we decided that all new UI development would be done on this new stack. So if we needed to touch something significantly or build anything from scratch, we had to do it in the new stack. No editing our old jQuery/Rails stack for anything other than quick bug fixes.

Drawing this kind of line in the sand has been effective for us. More and more of the site gets moved over time, but we don't need to make site re-architecture itself a priority project. Although the closer we get to having the whole site in the new stack, the more tempting that becomes.

Recently, we released all user and team profiles on the new stack. You probably won't notice anything majorly significantly different, but there are some changes:

  • It will feel much faster to navigate within the profile (SPA!)
  • More pages within your profile are able to be viewed in List View and sorted
  • The grids of Pens/Project/Post/Collections in Grid View have a context menu with more functionality, with Deleting, Pinning, and Following joining Adding to Collections.

Those changes to Grid View now percolate to all the rest of the site that uses New Stack grids, like the homepage and all Explore pages. That's part of the beautify of building from highly re-usable components! More and more of the site will be able to re-use these components, which allows us to move faster and build more useful features, which keeping technical debt low.

We've found that as we release work on the new stack, we're ultimately able to delete more code than we're adding, which is one of the best feelings there is in web development.

🎉 I'd like to take this opportunity also to thank Cassidy Williams who helped with a lot of this transitional React work. Cassidy has taken a job over at React Training which sounds like a great fit and we wish her all the best.

File Explorer in JavaScript

Organize JavaScript files for your users

The file explorer control for JavaScript provides a Windows Explorer-like interface within a web application, allowing end-users to browse, upload, and download files. The folder structure can be changed by renaming, moving, or deleting folders and files, and the control’s layout and folder management can be customized.

You may also like: Understanding Node.js File System Module.

This blog will explain the features available in the file explorer component.

Angular: Everything You Need to Know [Tutorials]

Since its initial release as AngularJS in October 2018, Google's Angular framework has become one of the most popular means for building front-end web applications. Now on Angular 8, this powerful framework allows developers to build browser-based applications and mobile apps using the TypeScript langauge.

With different applications and dev teams across the globe using different versions of Angular, we've compiled the best articles and tutorials on DZone about each version of this popular framework. So, no matter what version of Angular your team uses, you're sure to find something here to help you up your Angular game.

Why We Shouldn’t Judge Designers on the Tools They Use

The web design industry has what I’d like to call “tool envy”. It seems like there is always some hot new app that is supposed to revolutionize the way we do things. They range from little open source projects to major releases from the corporate giants out there.

Certainly, it’s great to have an ever-growing selection of useful software to choose from. But the perception is that there is something wrong with us if we don’t buy into the hype. It feels like we’ll be judged as “out of touch” if we don’t jump onto each and every bandwagon.

In fact, these new-fangled tools that all the kids are talking about make me feel out of touch. For instance, I don’t use Sketch. I have a copy of Adobe XD but it’s collecting dust on my drive. Slack annoys me (it’s pretty much a nicer-looking version of IRC). Does this make me a bad person?

Even worse is that I’m hesitant about being judged for what I do use. I still create mockups in Photoshop. I edit code in Dreamweaver. There, I said it (and “Hi” to my friends at Adobe). These tools, although frequently updated, are older than some of you reading this.

Could this mean that I’m a dinosaur, forever stuck in my ways?

Comfort Matters

Building a beautiful and functional website takes a lot of work. And dealing with the ups and downs of the process can be mentally taxing. The tools we use can either help us or hinder us along the way. Therefore, there is a certain comfort in utilizing something that is familiar.

You know what’s stressful? Learning a new app. Even an intuitive piece of software is going to have some mystery as you first start to use it. Not to mention the differences between it and what you had previously used. Your whole workflow can become a jumbled mess, albeit temporarily.

For a busy designer, this is a serious concern. Learning to work a new way could mean falling behind on paying projects while struggling to figure out this shiny new tool.

Don’t get me wrong. I understand that one of these new prototype building tools may have advantages over my old school methods. But the idea of completely switching gears seems a bit unnecessary. Besides, if I did this every single time someone told me to change, well, I may not accomplish much actual work.

In the real world, productivity is vital. Therefore, when I need to get things done, I’d prefer to stick with the tried-and-true.

A teddy bear sitting on a sofa.

Change Isn’t Bad – It’s Just Not Always Necessary

While all of this may sound a bit like an old person shooing kids off their lawn, it doesn’t mean that I’m against change. It’s more that I need a compelling reason to do so. And it seems like these reasons make themselves apparent over time.

Eventually, there’s a tipping point where clinging to a certain language, tool or technique puts us out of step with the mainstream. Or, it simply becomes an obstacle with regards to building a site the way we want to. It’s those types of moments where the need to change becomes clear.

Take page layouts, for example. In the early days of web design, we often used HTML tables to create all manner of layouts – even if it wasn’t necessarily the cleanest of code. But then CSS standards came along. They provided a simpler and more accessible way to build multicolumn layouts – something that’s still evolving to this day.

In this case, using tables eventually became a hinderance. CSS allowed designers to accomplish more and do so in a user-friendly way. While some designers held out for a while, eventually the industry shifted and didn’t look back.

But not everything is so cut-and-dry. You can still design an amazing website in Photoshop, or write complex code in a text editor. Whether or not you want to use those tools is more about personal preference.

Here’s the bottom line: If a tool or technique enables you to achieve your goals, and you’re comfortable with it, why change?

A neon sign that reads "Change".

Design Is More Than Tools

Whether you’re working with clients or creating your own portfolio, the end result is what matters most. Clients, for one, generally don’t care to be bothered with details of your workflow. After all, they hired you because you know what you’re doing. They just want their website to look fabulous and work as intended.

As for the design community, well, it’s always easy to judge others. I’d bet that all of us have placed some sort of label (positive or otherwise) on a fellow designer at some point in time.

The reality is that there are a whole lot of web designers out there. And there just as many ways to build a great website. What is comfortable and familiar to one of us may have the opposite effect on someone else – and that’s okay.

So, if you’re using the hot new app that everyone’s buzzing about – enjoy it. For everyone else, don’t feel compelled to change for the sake of change. If you’re happy with the tools you’re using, you needn’t feel left behind. Because, when it’s time to take things in another direction, you’ll know it.

Security Landscape for Containerized Apps

Securing your containerized applications

The security landscape is changing fast with new architectures and platforms emerging every day. This article attempts to explore some of the aspects of end-to-end security while building containerized applications. 

You may also like: Three Keys to Speed and Security in the DevOps Era.

Security First Approach

With more and more organizations moving to the cloud, security is gaining paramount importance and a security-first approach has to be embedded into the DNA of organizations; security should be treated as a first-class citizen, rather than being an afterthought.

Build a Spring Boot App and Deploy Into Tomcat

Tomcat to the rescue

Deploying an application can be quite tedious because of the multiple steps that are involved. Today, I will show you how to simplify the process with Tomcat by building a web app and deploying it through the browser. 

For this tutorial, we will use: 

Vue.js Tutorial: Build a Tesla Battery Range Calculator in Vue 3

This tutorial focuses entirely on the new driving experience. It is now clear that electric driving is the future. But how far can you actually ride on a full battery? And what influence does the speed, outside temperature, and size of the rims have on the range, for example? In this tutorial, we get started with Vue.js, an easy-to-understand JavaScript framework. We are going to make a dashboard with which we can calculate how much range the Tesla has under different circumstances.

As a starting point for the tutorial, clone this Github repository.

Checking the .NET Core Libraries With the PVS-Studio Static Analyzer (Part Three)

See what's inside the .NET Core Libraries

In the third article in our three-part series, we further discuss the results of checking the .NET Core Libraries' source code with the PVS-Studio Static Analyzer. Part one of the series can be found here, part two can be found here

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Issue 41

Going back to constructors with unused parameters:

Easy REST APIs With AutoRest

It's easy to REST with AutoRest.

“We live in an API-driven world,” said Julia Kreger, OpenStack Ironic project team lead and principal software engineer at Red Hat.

API is an acronym for “Application Programming Interface.” It has a long history since the first computer programs were written. At first, APIs form “contracts” for accessing resources from the operating system, software libraries, or other systems.