Refactoring Databases With SQL Prompt

Louis Davidson demonstrates how SQL Prompt can significantly lessen the pain involved in occasional, 'heavyweight' database refactoring processes, such renaming modules, tables and columns (Smart Rename), or splitting tables (Split Table).

Many of the tools that SQL Prompt provides are ones that you'll use more or less every single day you write T-SQL code. The refactoring tools in SQL Prompt are more like the ones in the snakebite kit that you take on a long hike in the desert. You hope not to have to use them too often, but when you do, they are extremely valuable. My previous article focused on small scale code refactoring, limited to altering the 'internals' of a single batch or object. A less frequent but harder requirement is to change the 'public interface' of an object, such as by changing the name of an object, or column, or even by splitting tables to achieve a better design.