Is it realistic to pursue a career in programming?


I've dabbled in coding (both front end and back end) since the mid 1990s. However I've never done it full time (except for a short stint writing database query's in 2015 and 2016). Because of the economic downturn in 2008 and the sale of Starwood Hotels to Marriott, I find myself with accepting what amounts to temp jobs to (somewhat) support myself. Thus I've pondered the idea of a coding school or a certificated program through one of the local college to gain useful skills in the field. But here's the rub: I'm almost 60. So here are a few questions that I have for the group. I'll appreciate your candid answers.

1) Is it realistic to even consider this as a career for the next 10 years for someone my age? Assuming it is,
2) Are there some coding schools that you can comfortably recommend that are accepted by the IT industry?
3) Are there other practical ways to gain knowledge and experience that would be useful to a future employer?
4) What languages are the most desired today?
5) Is most of the programming done today as a web-based application (this is primarily what I see the coding schools training one for)?

In advance, I appreciate your thoughts and ideas. I look forward to hearing from you.
