Branda 3.1 Smarter SMTP, Signup Codes, and +25 Upgrades

Branda is all about giving you fast easy control over white labeling WordPress…and quite frankly she rocks it. She just got some special new configurations for managing users, lightning fast setup, compatibility checks, and even more brand magic.

“How is that possible”, you ask? Branda 3.0 was unveiled just a month ago with an incredible new design and setup wizard. It was a big hit by the way. Thanks, everyone for the feedback.

But with Branda now sporting our signature hero interface we were able to quickly add +25 additions and feature upgrades.

So let’s dive in and explore the highlight features in Branda 3.1.

Not using Branda yet? Get a copy with a free 30-day WPMU DEV trial. No obligation. Cancel at any time and keep Branda as our gift.

Signup Codes With User Role Settings

Have an exclusive offer that requires site registration? Want to limit spam registrations? Looking to allow specific signups to access different user roles? Time to try Branda’s brand new Signup Code features.

Signup Codes make it so only people with a special code can register to your site.

Here’s what’s new:

  • Support for multiple codes – before you could set up just one registration code at a time. Now you can create as many unique codes as you need.
  • Give each code a user role – the ability to assign users a specific role based on the code they use when registering.

Allow a visitor to register as a subscriber without a code or create a special code that lets a user set up a Writer or Editor account. Not only do signup codes improve function, but it also helps eliminate unnecessary bot signups. Thank you again, Branda!

Branda user roles and multiple signup codes
Use Signup Codes for letting users register for different user roles.

Branda Importer Enhancements

We’re continually looking for ways to simplify configuration for people managing multiple sites, from setting up new sites to site migration. The Branda import and export tool makes it easy to move your configuration options across multiple sites.

In 3.1 that includes the logo, background and favicon image files for the Admin Bar, DB Error Page, Login Screen, Site Status Pages, and Website Mode modules. Clone your look and style settings and load up your images all in a few clicks.

Branda Import and export all your settings and images
Import the specific modules and images you want for speedy set up.

The importer also regenerates your log DB error and site status files after an import so you get all the fresh looks without sharing the information.

Simplify SMTP Email Setting

By default, WordPress uses the PHP Mail function to send emails. That is not great, especially for sites that are scaling up. With Branda, you can use SMTP to send your messages including sending from a 3rd-party mail provider.

If your system emails keep ending up in the spam folder then you definitely need to check this feature out.

Branda SMTP settings for WordPress
Branda lets you send system emails from your favorite 3rd-party services.

Again, this option is not new to Branda, but she did get smarter. In 3.1, Branda checks for other SMTP plugins on your site, notifies you of conflicts, and can even import SMTP settings from other popular tools.

Consolidate with Branda and she’ll take care of the set up.

WPMU DEV Hero Hider

Don’t really need to spend too much time here, but the the best white label plugin for WordPress got the WPMU DEV Hero Hider. This has become a favorite for our members. Basically, instead of displaying WPMU DEV branding and hero graphics you can replace them with your own… now including Branda.

Put Branda in stealth mode and remove WPMU DEV images or display your own logo where Branda sits in the dashboard. Groovy!

WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin Hero Hider
The WPMU DEV Hero Hider lets you replace all the hero branding from WPMU DEV plugins.

Get Started With Branda

Those are just the highlights. Branda 3.1 is stacked with over 25 additions, upgrades, and improvements including a bunch of cool little styling options, a custom CSS field for the author box, and the ability to hide custom menus for mobile users.

Branda is brilliant and just keeps getting better. But you don’t have to take my word for it. Start using Branda and all the WPMU DEV plugins, services and support absolutely free. Cancel anytime in the next 30-days, you won’t be charged, and we’ll let you keep Branda.