5 editing and writing services to refine your WordPress content

It is no secret that filling the site with quality content is one of the “pillars” of successful marketing. It is useful, readable texts that keep clients on the site, encourage them to commit the necessary actions. In the field of writing content for websites, there have long been requirements that help to prepare a text, following these criteria. Compliance with these parameters helps to read your text quickly and interestingly.

In such situations, custom essay writing service and other writing and editing services come to help. They assist errors, correct typography. They are recommended for writers, copywriters, journalists, students and anyone working with. Our list includes five editing and writing services to refine your WordPress content.


Grammarly is a service that shows grammatical errors and options for correcting them. The service offers essential functions for WordPress Content, namely:

  • Installed in the browser;
  • Finds and emphasizes errors in all messages typed in the browser;
  • Prompts options, more correct spelling;
  • Recognizes more than 250 types of errors.

Grammarly can search for plagiarism in the text, and also helps to adapt your lines to a specific writing style: academic, business, conversational or artistic. According to the authors, which include professional linguists, their tool uses 4 million people of various professions. Grammarly is available, including as an add-in for Word and Outlook, starting with the 2007 version.

The service offers two versions, the base version is free, with limited functionality, or a premium version with a monthly subscription fee.

Handmade writing

The service is useful if you don’t have time to write high-quality content for the site or you have the goal to write my essay today. The facility has a large team of content marketing professionals. Your article will be printed with all the rules and requirements of Google for better SEO.

You can also order editing your WordPress Content. Just send the source text, and the service experts adapt it for WordPress.

Handmade writing experts will provide you with specially prepared text concerning the requirements of search engines, containing advanced keywords and to be added to the site.

Hemingway App

Hemingway application improves WordPress Content. App gives essential and straightforward tips and subtleties that adapt your text to the format of the website. You insert the text, and the application highlights the most common errors in it. When you hover over selected text, the application displays a tip. For example, if a sentence is long, Hemingway highlights it with yellow. If a document is highlighted in red, you need to simplify dense sentences. Difficult and incomprehensible words application highlights purple.

Adverbs and weak phrases are highlighted in blue, and it is better to replace them with stronger words. Passive voice is replaced by active if the proposal is highlighted in green.


ProWritingAid is an online editor that improves WordPress Content and enhances your writing skills. The application analyzes WordPress Content, identifying grammatical and spelling errors, plagiarism of content and contextual errors. ProWritingAid corrects incorrect or vague content, offering many options for improvement.

Errors such as repeatability, ambiguous wording, too long sentences, the use of a passive voice, etc. are enemies of WordPress Content. ProWritingAid allows you to lose them. Using built-in tracking and reporting tools, ProWritingAid helps you identify common errors to improve your WordPress Content writing skills.


Readable is a free tool to quickly and easily verify the readability of your text. Just enter the address of a website or copy the text directly in the field of the tool.

The readability tool simplifies the process of writing and creating WordPress Content.
Readability is very important if you want to create content that will attract interest and response from your target audience.

Evaluating the readability of your WordPress Content and publishing content that is understandable to your audience will attract attention and turn readers into customers.

This is an article by Josh Carlyle.