Bringing Certainty to The Uncertainty of Brexit

These are tough times for businesses in the EU. Is the UK going to be in or out? Will it be a managed deal or no deal? Will it happen next week, next month, or never? What's the latest twist in the tale? Quite simply, businesses are finding it difficult to plan anything when everything is up in the air, and no one can confirm what will happen next.

All of which is making many businesses wary of making a decision to invest in their IT infrastructure. So much so that a survey by Beaming at the beginning of this year found that 53% of small to medium-sized businesses in the UK, and 77% of larger organizations, had put at least one IT project on hold due to Brexit concerns. The picture is likely to be the same right across the EU, so a lot of IT initiatives are in a holding pattern until clarity emerges from the confusion.