Why Cloud and DevOps Succeed Together

Businesses are continuously striving to bring high availability to customers with unmatched application performance, little to zero downtime, and seamless multi-channel experience. Moving to the cloud is one way to achieve these goals. However, even moving to the cloud is not a foolproof survival strategy. They still need agility, cost-savings, and better performance for millions of connected devices. The development and cloud operations must go hand-in-hand to make the most of cloud platforms. Companies missing DevOps on cloud operations or development are not reaping the promises of using cloud platforms.

Cloud and DevOps Are Better Off Together

First, using DevOps engineering (developers and QA teams) can work with the operations team employing a cloud platform. Developers can quickly set up new environments without the help of IT operations. Meanwhile, IT operations can investigate other operations of infrastructure costs, enabling security and dynamics. Cloud is the common language here and thus, connects two different teams.