How to Use Backendless With React.js

React.js is one of the best and most popular front-end frameworks available for app builders. The barriers to entry in terms of understanding how to develop an app with React are very low, which is why many JavaScript developers choose the React library for web or mobile applications. It also works very well with a large number of data providers. Therefore, today we are beginning a series of articles about "How to use Backendless with ReactJS." In this series, we will familiarize you with a number of Backendless features, show you how to use our real-time database with the React-Redux store, show you how to deploy your app to Backendless File Storage, and demonstrate how to easily inject the into your React application.

In this article, we will start by creating a new Backendless App and building a simple React app. Our demo app will be an Address Book app, so to get started we will show how to load and display some data from the server. In the future, we will modernize the application by adding more functionality.