Feedback and Control: An Essential GitOps Component

An important and often overlooked component of GitOps is the concept of a feedback and control loop. In this post, we’re going to take a look at what this means and why this is essential to GitOps. You may not be doing GitOps if you don’t have a way of monitoring, observing, and alerting on divergences from your ‘source of truth.’

GitOps and Continuous Delivery

Briefly, GitOps is a way to do continuous delivery. It is an operations model for managing your deployments to Kubernetes. It works by keeping all of your declarations in Git alongside your code. To make a change to your cluster or to your code requires an approved pull request. And, as we’ll expand on in this post, GitOps done right means that your system can monitor and then alert you whenever there is a difference between ‘the source of truth’ kept in Git and your running cluster.