Simple ways to secure your WordPress website in 2019

Securing your website with a simple file backup is not enough. You need to go an extra mile to ensure that you do not ruin your reputation because getting hacked affects your SEO ranking. Here are simple ways that will help you to secure your WordPress website in 2019.

Unique passwords

When creating WordPress account passwords, use unique combinations. This is the part to play with sophisticated ideas that hackers cannot guess. Instead of using letters and numbers alone, sprinkle in symbols in a unique pattern.

Once you have a password, try to remember it. Do not save your password on Google. Similarly, change your password on a regular basis. It helps you to secure private client information and to keep your website free from hackers.

The two-factor authentication

It is imperative that you practice the two-factor authentication strategy. This involves having a password at two different security levels to verify your account. Remember, there are different ways to authenticate your account. They include using a secret question, a secret code on your mobile phone and an email verification through a unique code. While this process can be hectic, it plays a significant role in enhancing the security of your WordPress website in 2019.

Embrace core automatic updates

Hackers are always trying out new hacking techniques. For this reason, it is imperative that you update your apps whenever there are formal updates from Google and other related sources. It helps you to stay up to date with WordPress. Lucky enough, most automatic updates are usually set on as default and you are assured of important notifications. However, you need to always check on your WordPress settings to ensure that you haven’t switched off your notifications.

Limit your login attempts

In a WordPress website, you and other users are allowed to try to log in as much as you can. While this gives users a convenient approach to access their accounts, it also exposes your website to hackers. Therefore, to avoid creating security loopholes, it is wise that you limit your login attempts. Use different free plugins to limit attempts and by doing so, hackers will have very few chances of hacking your account.

Customize your URL address

It is always advisable that you customize your URL address or login page to keep hackers away. Ensure the page cannot be seen in the site’s main URL because it makes it vulnerable to hackers. However, if you customize the page, you are making it safe and unbreakable. Therefore, set up iThemes Security plugins or create a unique custom URL for example, my-custom-login. The former changes your login URL automatically.

Most importantly, do not use common names such as ‘admin’ as your username. In the event where you have already used the default admin name, it is recommended that you update it immediately using PHPMyAdmin and replace it by something much more unique and difficult for hackers to crack.

Switch to HTTPS

HTTPS protects your WordPress website from different security attacks and hackers. It offers a high level of encryption between your web server and browser, therefore, keeping attackers away. It also prevents the unauthorized transfer of data from one server to the other.

HTTPS also protects your WordPress site from various hidden scripts on your computer system.

With these security ideas, you can avoid a security breach on your WordPress website. Protect your admin and login page with the ideal security tools and apps to stay safe.

This is a guest article by Alex Merashi.