Login Problems (aftermath)

As I understand it, there were problems on Sunday (Feb 24) which caused problems logging in. Daniweb would not accept my password (or so it said). Normally when I go to login I get presented with the login page with my userID (reverend Jim) and password already filled in. Now I was getting the login page with my email address instead of my userID. Manually entering my userID and password resulted in an indication that my password was incorrect. I clicked on the "Reset Password" which is supposed to send a reset email to a given address (which I entered). No reset email was sent. I repeated this procedure several times with no email resulting.

So after complaining to several people (it's my nature) I decided to try a little test.

  1. Login using my google ID (this worked)
  2. Post a new thread (then delete it)
  3. Logout
  4. Login as Reverend Jim (surprisingly this worked)

So it seemed that everything was working. I can only assume (out of total ignorance because web programming is not in my skill set) that the problem was in my cache.

But it seems there may still be something amiss because it is now two days later and I just got one of several DaniWeb Password Reset emails. The date stamp on the email says 2019-02-25 15:32 but it just came in today at 10:12 am (CST). Other emails are arriving in a timely fashion so I don't know what is happening with DaniWeb emails.