Forget About “Divide and Conquer,” Think “Consolidate to Control”!

Here it is, it’s just been announced on the market and the stocks are already going through the roof: your company is merging with GotBought Inc., one of your competitors, to become the number 1 in your industry. Congratulations!! After celebrating with a decent amount of champagne and petit four, you go back to your daily routine and let the excitement fade away. One morning, you are connecting to your favorite Managed File Transfer (MFT) administration UI and that’s when it hits you: you know for a fact that GotBought Inc. is not using the same solution as you.

Remember two years ago, when you tried to set up a bi-directional connection to share data between both your IT worlds (in hindsight, that should have tipped you off on what just happened, you missed your chance to make some money in the market). Their system was a little old: lack of some protocols like AS2, cumbersome to configure, and let’s not get started about data security! It’s clear that your technology choice was more tech-savvy and future-proof, and should be the one retained for all data transfers going forward. Great! But what’s next for the other system?