Five Benefits of DevOps for Database and How to Achieve Them

One of the major benefits of DevOps is that it speeds up the development and delivery process, typically for applications and other software development. It increases efficiency, reduces errors, and better leverages IT talent. But these benefits can be delayed when database changes are also required because most DevOps teams don’t encompass databases. As a result, many DevOps teams work in a partially divided environment that can cause delays that reduce productivity and increase costs.

The strongest DevOps teams include database administrators (DBAs), with database DevOps functioning as a natural component of DevOps processes. Incorporating DevOps processes into database changes and integrating database teams with the wider DevOps team and processes to create a single team can help increase efficiency and deliver better results to end users. Once implemented, database DevOps contributes to a leaner, more reliable, and faster development process. By adopting database DevOps, companies typically see five major benefits.