#211: Time Zones

Show Description

Marie and Cassidy are chatting about time — what is time? How does CodePen, the app, handle time? How does Team CodePen deal with members spread across the globe? You'll find out... all in good time.

Time Jumps

  • 01:03 Time zones!
  • 03:51 What does CodePen the app use?
  • 08:41 What does Team CodePen use?
  • 13:57 Don't send a "Hey!"
  • 19:33 Sponsor: WordPress
  • 21:46 Time zones for support issues

Sponsor 19:33 WordPress.com

WordPress powers a third of the internet. Surprising? Perhaps not once you get to know how easy and friendly, yet powerful and flexible WordPress.com is. If you can build a site on WordPress.com, you should. You're doing yourself a big favor by not taking on the incredible technical debt of hosting a site yourself. Focus on your business instead.

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The post #211: Time Zones appeared first on CodePen Blog.