UE Application Initiation and Offloading on MEC Deployments in a Standalone 5G Network

5G is a disruptive technology mandatorily needed to meet the capacity and performance requirements of future networks. Massive bandwidth needs and extremely low latency requirements, needed by burgeoning applications (like AI, IoT, AR/VR), require 5G to be facilitated by other emerging technologies like SDN/NFV and multi-access edge computing (MEC). By bringing the computing closer to the user, MEC promises to meet the desired latency and bandwidth constraints. Standardization bodies, like 3GPP (for 5G) and ETSI (for MEC), have been working towards streamlining the procedures for interworking of 5G core and MEC systems. The 5G and MEC specifications give an insight into the future integration strategy expected – making MEC work as a 5G application function to interact with the 3GPP 5G system for traffic steering and reception of mobility events. But a complete flow of information between MEC function entities and the 5G core network functions on application initiation and UE mobility seems to be missing at this point of time. This paper intends to dig into some of these interworking issues and explains the interactions between the participating entities during the complete application lifecycle.

Keywords — MEC (Multi-access edge computing), 5G (5th generation), UE application offloading, 5G application functions

10 Essential Tools Every Java Developers Should Know

Hello, folks! We are already in the second month of 2019, and I am sure all of you have already made your goals about what to learn in 2019 and how to achieve them. I have been writing a series of articles to give you some ideas about the things you can learn and improve upon to become a better, well-rounded developer in 2019, learning new programming languages, frameworks, and libraries. These three things are extremely important to help you become a better Java developer, but as a wise person once said, "you are only as good as your tools." You should also look to upgrade your tools, learn new tools, and improve your understanding of old tolls that are still working well.

To help you with what tools you can learn in 2019, I have come up with this list of 10 essential tools for Java developers that I am going to share with you guys in this article. In the past, I have shared some useful testing tools for Java programmers, and this article is an extension of that, as it covers much more than automation testing tools.

The State of CSS 2019 Survey is Now Open

The makers of the annual State of JavaScript survey have launched a new survey for developers who work with CSS. In September 2018, Sacha Greif and his collaborators sent out the State of JS survey for the third year running but dropped the CSS libraries category in favor of keeping it from getting too long. The new State of CSS survey takes up this category and expands upon it.

The success of the State of JS survey has brought valuable information to the industry for developers, employers, startups, project maintainers, and even those who are just beginning their coding journey and wondering which frameworks are worth learning. The 2018 State of JS survey received more than 20,000 responses. Results showed that React was once again the most popular front-end framework and Vue.js received the highest satisfaction rating. The detailed results are influential in helping framework maintainers know how the development community perceives their projects.

The new survey for CSS developers was created to help identify the latest trends in the rapidly changing CSS landscape. It includes the following topics:

  • CSS Features – Grid, Flexbox…
  • Tools – preprocessors, frameworks…
  • Environments – Browsers, devices…
  • Resources – Blogs, podcasts…
  • Opinions – How you feel about CSS
  • About You – Experience, salary…

The State of CSS Survey is powered by Typeform and all questions are optional. It is quick to scroll through and can take as little as 10 minutes to complete. Participants can leave their email to be notified when results are published.

Colorful Typographic Experiments

There have been some interesting, boundary-pushing typography-related experiments lately. I was trying to think of a joke like "somethings in the descenders" but I just can't find something that will stand on its own leg without being easy to counter.

Codrin Pavel created a fascinating multi-color typeface called CSSans.

Output of using CSSans Pro, geographic shapes in multiple colors combined to make letterforms.

It's not a "font", because a font is a file, like "lato.woff2" or whatever. This is a CSS file, and you write in it like this:

<div class="cssans cssans--center">
    <div class="cssans__accessible">Cool News</div>

    <div class="cssans__word">
        <b class="cssans:C"></b>
        <b class="cssans:o"></b>
        <b class="cssans:o"></b>
        <b class="cssans:l"></b>

    <div class="cssans__word">
        <b class="cssans:N"></b>
        <b class="cssans:e"></b>
        <b class="cssans:w"></b>
        <b class="cssans:s"></b>

Note the special <div> at the top with the full word in it, while those empty <b> elements do the actual drawing of the glyphs. I wouldn't call it entirely accessible, as I'd argue part of accessibility is stuff like find-on-page with highlighting and selectable text. But this is obviously an artistic experiment and your implementation could go any number of ways. I'd love to see an attempt at setting transparent SVG <text> over the top of it that is sized the same so that the text is selectable.

Looks like the landing page was built in CodePen Projects!

This technique and its relationship with accessibility is pretty interesting and actually more relevant than you might think. In fact, it looks like Facebook uses a similar span technique to fight ad-blocking.

Harbor Type recently put out Rocher Color, a free color font. Yes, color font. That's a thing. And Rocher Color is actually a color font and a variable font.

Support seems kinda decent to me, but it's complicated because there are a bunch of different kinds all with different support across browsers.

The other story is that they are, well, kinda humongous, size-wise. The woff2 file is probably the most relevant here as it's such a modern feature anyway. The download from the site (RocherColorGX.woff2) clocks in at 178KB. Not something you'd just toss on a page for a single headline probably, considering it's not just weight with fonts — but you're also always fighting the FOUT/FOIT battle.

I think to justify using a beefy color font like this you'd...

  1. Use it quite a bit around the site for dynamic headlines
  2. Customize the colors to be perfect for you (ahead of time)
  3. Make use of the fancy variable font features like the bevel and shadow adjustments (on the fly)

If you don't see yourself doing those things, you might be better off using <svg> with these shapes all expanded out to paths. You could still use this font to make the SVG, assuming your design tool supports this kind of font. You won't get text wrapping or anything, but the file size and loading speed will be much faster. Or you could even use a graphic format like PNG/WebP, and there's no terrible shame in that if you still use a semantic element for the headline (visually hidden, of course). You won't get find-on-page highlighting or select-ability, but might be an OK trade-off for a one-off.

The color font works in Keynote

Kenneth Ormandy has rounded up some more interesting typographic experiments in CSS. In his post, he mentions Diana Smith's Pure CSS Font, which builds itself from empty elements and all kinds of fancy CSS trickery to draw the shapes.

The point of this project is right in the header:

For private, SEO-hidden, CAPTCHA-friendly unselectable text. Deter plagiarism and spambots!

Hidden for assistive technology too, so careful there, but it seems to me this project is more about exploring possibilities. After all, it's the letters that power Diana's remarkable CSS paintings like Zigaro.

Don't miss Kenneth's post, as he links to lots more fascinating examples of people being typographers with very unconventional tools. Kenneth takes a crack himself with this fascinating little experiment, using a button there to expose the tricks within:

See the Pen
START Pure CSS Lettering test 1
by Kenneth Ormandy (@kennethormandy)
on CodePen.

The post Colorful Typographic Experiments appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Study of Medical AI Boasts Impressive Accuracy, But Doesn’t Tell the Full Story

A new study published recently in Nature Medicine and covered in Quartz suggests that AI systems may be able to someday take the diagnostic reins from physicians, at least when it comes to the diagnosis of common childhood diseases. The study’s deep-learning system was so successful, in fact, that it outperformed some doctors in correctly identifying a range of conditions. The study, however, (though promising) is not without its limitations.

As anyone familiar with how these models work will tell you, these systems are ultimately only as good as the data upon which they’re trained; and in this instance, the data came entirely from one medical center in China. Sure, it was able to successfully find diagnostic patterns when subsequently put to the test among this very specific community, but can we really assume it would be just as successful in, say, Manhattan (NY, not Kansas), having had no training on this vastly different population? There are certainly models out there – like this one I recently wrote about – that perform quite well in zero-shot environments, but the amount and variety of the data required to make this happen is staggering.


Did you see this Facebook crap?

I popped over to Facebook to verify that and what I saw was a different and even more nested mess:

They are trying to fight your ad blocker browser extension. Of course they are. I'm sure at their scale not doing this means losing millions of dollars. But I wonder if it's really losing money when you factor in losing trust, and potentially losing people on the platform entirely.

It just feels so rude, doesn't it? Like a user specifically installs technology onto their computer in order to exert some control over what they allow onto their computers and into their eyeballs. And they are saying, "No, we do not respect that choice. We are going to fight your technology with our technology and force feed this stuff onto your computer and your eyeballs." Doesn't sit right.

I'm not unaware that ad blockers have ad adverse effect on the ability for websites to make money. That's quite literally how I make money. But I don't want to do it fighting and at the expense of breaking trust. I want to do it gracefully while building trust.


I wonder what writing HTML to help ad blockers would look like instead:

<!-- start: advertisement -->
<div class="ad sponsor paid" id="ad-1" data-ad="true">
  <a href="https://sponsor.com" rel="nofollow">Company</span>
<!-- end: advertisement -->

The good ones have been doing it for ages.

This span-based lettering stuff makes me think of libraries like Splitting.js and Lettering.js that break up text into individual <span>s for styling reasons.

Turns out that doesn't affect on-page search (i.e. if you search for "dog," you'll find <span>d</span><span>o</span><span>g</span>), but it does affect some screen readers in that they will treat each letter distinctly, which can result in pretty awful audio output, like pauses between letters where you wouldn't expect or want them.

It's totally solvable though!

I just read about how powerful aria-label is via Web Platform News, quoting Amelia Bellamy-Royds:

An aria-label attribute on a button or link effectively replaces the text content of that element with the new label.

It was cool to see that's what Lettering.js does by default! And Splitting.js is figuring out the best method for them, which involves aria-label.

Oh, and as ever, ::nth-letter() would be cool. 2018 recap of a 2011 request.

The post <span>L</span><span>e</span><span>t</span><span>t</span><span>e</span><span>r</span><span>s</span> appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Diana Smith’s Top 5 CSS Properties She Uses to Produce CSS Art

Have you seen Diana Smith's CSS drawings? Stunning. These far transcend the CSS drawings that sort of crudely replicate a flat SVG scene, like I might attempt. We were lucky enough for her to post some of her CSS drawing techniques here last year.

Well, Diana has also listed the top five CSS properties she uses to get these masterpieces done, and they are surprising in their plainness:

  1. border-radius
  2. box-shadow
  3. transform
  4. gradients
  5. overflow

...but of course, layered in trickery!

... for custom rounded elements that are meant to mimic organic objects like faces, it is imperative that you become intimately familiar with all eight available parameters in the border-radius property.

Diana shows her famous Francine drawing with each of the most used properties turned off:

Without border-radius
Without transform

Be sure to check out this VICE interview she did as well. She covers gems like the fact that Francine was inspired by American Dad (lol) and that the cross-browser fallbacks are both a fascinating and interesting mess.

Direct Link to ArticlePermalink

The post Diana Smith’s Top 5 CSS Properties She Uses to Produce CSS Art appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Several Years Later: A Case of the Telephone Game

Remember the Telephone Game? 

You can read all about it here, but the gist is the first person is whispered a message. That person then whispers the same message (to the best of their recollection) to another person. The process continues until the last person receives the message. At that point, the last person announces the message for all to hear. The fun part of this game is to hear how much the story changes as the message is passed from person to person.

Interview with Ping Intelligence GM Jason Bonds

It was barely two years ago that the founders of Elastic Beam emerged with a blend of artificial intelligence, machine learning, and APIs to produce a unique security offering just around the same time that APIs were becoming the juiciest of all targets for hackers. The timing could not have been better.

Transition to LinkedIn API v2 by March 1

Developers using LinkedIn APIs need to migrate to version 2.0 by March 1. Developers can use the LinkedIn APIs to integrate LinkedIn users' professional identities with third party services, and easily share content. Version 2 updates the APIs with more modern technologies, including OAuth 2.0 for authentication.

New Wapuu Dashboard Pet Plugin Displays WordPress Site Health

Wapuu Dashboard Pet is a new plugin from Kayleigh Thorpe and the team at WordPress hosting company 34SP.com. It is essentially a WordPress Tamagotchi, or digital pet, that resides in your dashboard and monitors the health of the site.

The plugin checks to make sure WordPress has been updated (plugins, themes, and core) and backups have run. Wapuu’s appearance will change based on these factors. Thorpe used her illustration skills to create the images, which indicate if wapuu is feeling dead, happy, sad, sick, or very sick. The threshold for a dead wapuu is 10+ updates. The example below is a “very sick” wapuu on a site with five or more updates pending.

After updating, the happy and healthy wapuu is displayed, as shown below.

The Wapuu Dashboard Pet is featured at the bottom of every page in the admin. It also comes with an option to enable weekly email notifications that will only send if wapuu is feeling sick (has one or more updates available). This feature can help site administrators who don’t log into their dashboards very often, resulting in more updated and secure WordPress sites.

The plugin is currently very effective in its simplicity but there are a lot of interesting features that its authors could add. It could be set up to check for PHP and MySQL versions, similar to what the Health Check plugin offers. It would also be useful if wapuu could detect whether or not any of the necessary updates are security-related, which might inspire administrators to act faster on the emails. There may be other useful applications for forks of this plugin, such as a wapuu that helps bloggers stay on track with their monthly posting goals.

When wapuu is feeling unwell, the image displayed is a pathetic-looking creature that appears to have been left out in the rain. Wapuu-conscious site admins will not be able to look at that image in the dashboard without feeling the need to improve wapuu’s condition. These visual indicators of site health may be just the type of prompt necessary for admins who have become desensitized to WordPress’ many update notifications.

Automated Testing on UI: Is it Really Worth the Effort?

During engineering and software development, testing is considered an essential aspect of development. However, some developers don’t consider it vital, especially if they have limited time.

This has led to a lot of debate asking if automated testing of UI is essential or not. Well, developers have varying opinions, but if we see it objectively, we believe that automated testing is essential for the following reasons:

Spring Boot: Run and Build in Docker

There are a lot of guides on “Docker for Java developers,” but most of them do not take care of small and efficient Docker images.

I have combined many resources on how to make a simple and fast Docker image containing any Spring Boot-like application.

A World Without Developers

Why Wouldn't There Be Any More Developers to Train?

Didn't you notice several strange effects? Experienced developers with high salaries? Older developers are more common? Young developers who are very hard to find? Atypical profiles are being recruited more and more often? More and more bad developers who don't even know how to handle the HTTP verbs of REST? The need for developers is becoming more and more widespread, and, at the same time, they seem to be becoming more difficult to find. We even have this unpleasant impression that young people are less and less interested in pursuing software development. And we can understand that. When I was young, I went through two Amstrad computers at home before upgrading to a Pentium 60Mhz PC with 8 MB of RAM, which I used to tweak config files to be able to launch my games, and for which it was necessary to configure IRQs to install a new sound card.

My children, meanwhile get a tablet in their hands at a very young age (perhaps too young), and have no questions about installing a game, launching it, playing it, or watching videos on the Internet. In short, they don't ask questions! And they don't feel the need to understand how this can work. It was certainly very exciting to understand how a TV or radio works when it came out, but did you feel the need to know? The image of the "great technician" manipulating computers for everyday use has long since disappeared, leading to a loss of the desire to know more.