Why Is Edge Computing Gaining Popularity Today?

In this modern era where everything is moving towards digitization, edge computing has left no stone unturned in making its way into businesses and industries. Its popularity is growing due to the huge computing demands of cloud users and massive data explosion through IoT. Business associates are finding it the best way to streamline IoT traffic and facilitate real-time, local data analysis. IIoT has paved way to move data processing closer to its source, which involves actual industrial machines. A survey says that edge computing will reach peak productivity in the very near future.

The growing innovations in AI and IoT indicate that edge computing is likely to gain maturity as well. The growing popularity of edge computing doesn’t mean cloud computing is a history. Both are equally important to the IT infrastructure. They don’t compete with each other because they are here to live forever, side by side. Michael Dell gave a statement recently on edge computing, saying, “it will be everything and everywhere, i.e. the Internet of Things, which means that ultimately it will be the Internet of Everything.” A recent report predicted that, by 2025, edge computing will capture $3.24 billion of the market globally. Industries like oil and gas, power utilities, aerospace, and automotive will benefit from edge computing when it comes to optimizing operations.