7 tips For Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) exam success

You can acquire the certificate by doing the CEH exam. Before doing the exam though, it is advisable to go through the necessary training. The following are some tips for CEH exam success.

1. Have a study Plan

The first thing you need to do is to plan on when and how to study. It is important to have a plan in place in order to be on schedule with your topic coverage. According to a SUNY study, studying in 20-50 minutes intervals is more beneficial than cramming. Just like with any other kind of exam, you will need to cover sufficient ground before you actually sit for the exam. It is possible that you also have other obligations on a daily basis. Allocating your time to study will thus be important if you want to achieve all your goals without sacrificing particular aspects of your normal life.

2. Identify the important topics

The second thing you need to do is to identify the topics that you want to cover. There are many topics that fall under the CEH branch. In the broad sense, you will study about network security as well as threats. Under these broad areas, you will also study security controls, types of threats, social engineering and so much more. You need to identify all the topics that you need to study and also break them down into different sections. Doing this will make allow you to cover work quicker.

3. Study with real-life scenarios

In order to succeed in your exams, you need to know how the core subjects are applicable in the real world. While the biggest part of the study involves reading information on books, you need to actually try some of the things you study in order to gain the full perspective of the topic. You should not try everything though. Some issues like trying VPN for torrenting are fairly safe and legal to try but most issues that relate to hacking are not permitted without permission.

4. Commit to the exam early

Just like with most other certifications, getting the CEH exam involves a lot of planning on the side of the examiners. The processes that go into the preparation can be time-consuming and you need to submit to the exam early. You should make the necessary payments early and also check your eligibility on time. Depending on whether you took the official training, there might be some requirements that are different from the exam council. You need to submit early so that you can be informed about these requirements and fulfill them on time.

5. Practice

Another important issue that you should consider doing is practicing for the exam with past exam preparation resources. You can find many CEH handbooks and exam blueprints which not only give you a quick structure of the exam but they also allow you to understand how the exam is presented. Such resources can also help you understand the kind of topics that are frequently covered in the exam. You will also learn about the specific percentages of questions dedicated to each topic. After practicing with such resources, you will find yourself better prepared for the exam.

6. Familiarize yourself with the exam

Apart from looking for practice resources, you can also acquire the information that is often submitted to students by the exam council. Such information is available via the official CEH council website. The resources provided directly by the council are much more specific and they generally cover the question structure, topics, and official training providers. The prerequisites of the exam will also be detailed in the official information and details about the allotted time for the exam will be shared.

7. Join a community

Finally, it is important to connect with fellow students. There are many vibrant online communities where you can link up with candidates, professionals and general members share information about their experiences. By sharing information with others, you can be able to learn about actual approaches that have been used to attain success. Also, the camaraderie that you acquire from fellow candidates will give you confidence as you go into the exam.

This is a guest article by Jamie Cambell.