How AI Can Turn Traditional Businesses Into Stand-Out Enterprises

Artificial Intelligence is emerging as a key factor within the finance industry, toward increasing revenues, and toward achieving business goals. From providing value-based business strategies, improved customer experiences, increased revenue generation, and reduced costs, AI is establishing itself as a significant technological advancement to achieving business success. Top management is now viewing AI to assess business areas that are poised to substantially benefit through advanced analytics and deploying it to achieve the desired outcomes.

The natural evolution of technology for business benefits that took us from paperwork to the internet is now swiftly transforming toward AI, and the Finance industry is no exception. The heavy volumes of data involved in the finance sector make this technology a primary resource toward business benefits. The process of pattern establishment and identification is a key advantage that has attracted increasing attention toward the analytical capabilities of this technology. Although AI comes with innumerable benefits for the finance industry, there are also some concerns with regard to trust, bias, and regulatory compliance, hence it is prudent to view the technology as a means to assist human endeavors rather than the replacement of human involvement.

Will Automation Wipe Out the Role of the DBA?

Disruption has come to the role of the database administrator (DBA). Automation is eating up tasks typically completed by a DBA — and the technology is evolving to become ever-smarter, ever more capable.

This has sparked concern that humans will inevitably become redundant in running databases. Already, cloud services have threatened to render the DBA role obsolete. Now, with automation infiltrating more and more areas of database administration, many have predicted that DBAs will not survive the storm of change.

Anypoint Platform Audit — Extracting API Access and Client Contracts


MuleSoft’s Anypoint Platform™ is the world’s leading integration platform for SOA, SaaS, and APIs. By leveraging Anypoint Platform, companies can re-architect their SOA infrastructure from legacy systems, proprietary platforms, and custom integration code to create business agility. They can migrate technology infrastructure to the public or private cloud and prioritize adoption of SaaS applications and other cloud technologies. It is also important to adapt to a DevOps culture to bring in this agility in the process of transforming the business.

Continuous Integration is the most important part of DevOps that is used to integrate various stages, and Jenkins is one of the most famous tools. Jenkins is an open source automation tool written in Java with plugins built for Continuous Integration purposes. Jenkins is used to build and test software projects continuously, making it easier for developers to integrate changes to the project and making it easier for users to obtain a fresh build. But shouldn’t there be more to it? What if we could create a Jenkins Scripted Pipeline that can be used to support some of the Audit asks?

JDK 9/JEP 280: String Concatenations Will Never Be the Same

JEP 280 ("Indify String Concatenation") was implemented in conjunction with JDK 9 and, according to its "Summary" section, "Change[s] the static String-concatenation bytecode sequence generated by javac to use invokedynamic calls to JDK library functions." The impact this has on string concatenation in Java is most easily seen by looking at the javap output of classes using string concatenation that is compiled in pre-JDK 9 and post-JDK 9 JDKs.

The following simple Java class named "HelloWorldStringConcat" will be used for the first demonstration.

Financial Regulations: Neo4j Risk Management Platform [Infographic]

Financial regulation in the U.S. has become a complicated and fragmented system, but why?

Various authorities creating compliance laws include a cast of six federal regulating agencies: The Federal Reserve, the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency, the National Credit Union Administration, the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., the Securities and Exchange Commission, and the Office of Thrift Supervision. There are also state bank regulators, adding even more agencies (and regulations) into the swirling, whirling mix you so desperately want (nay, need) control of.

Using ZK With Spring Boot

In recent years, Spring Boot has become a more and more popular alternative to building and deploying web applications. Following that popularity, questions arose whether existing or new ZK applications can also integrate with Spring Boot instead of building a classical war file.

The answer has always been "yes." At the same time, the transition from web.xml configuration into Java configuration has proven to be inconvenient, error-prone, and full of questions. That's why we at ZK decided to provide the zkspringboot integration module containing default and adjustable autoconfig and a starter dependency.

Best Practices for Logging in AWS Lambda

Today, we'll cover some things that you might find quite useful in your everyday work. We'll go through some of the best practices for logging into AWS Lambda, and we will explain how and why these ways will simplify your AWS Lambda logging. Let's start with the basics. What is logging?

Logging in AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is a service that will automatically monitor Lambda functions for you, and it will report the metrics via Amazon CloudWatch. In order to help you with resolving the function failures, Lambda logs will manage all requests by your function as well as automatically store logs that are generated by your code through Amazon CloudWatch Logs.

Clone a Project in Visual Studio 2019


To start with, first, we need to have Visual Studio 2019 installed and a valid server URL. Cloning is the process of downloading or copying a repository to the destination location from the server/source. Cloning projects with Visual Studio 2019 in the Solution Explorer is very easy. Before starting the cloning process, we must have an existing repository which points out our repository on the server. Every server has its own unique repository URL.


  • Visual Studio 2019 (Download from here).
  • Any server account like TFS, GIT, BitBucket, etc.

Step 1: Open Visual Studio 2019

Go to the Start menu on your Windows desktop and type Visual studio 2019; open it.

Spring Cache: Profiling

At Plumbr, we're constantly working on how software can be made faster and more reliable. The promise we've made to our customers is to avoid 100 million failures and save 100 million hours for their users per year.

While we're making things better for engineers around the world, we're also improving our software. Recently, I invested time in tuning the performance of one particular part of the Plumbr codebase. It is quite a tight loop, reading data from Kafka, performing several computations, and then writing data to a file. After several rounds of optimization, an unexpected code path started appearing on the profiler output.

Why You Can’t Afford to Ignore Distributed Tracing for Observability

Observability is a hot topic, but not a lot of people know what it truly means. Everyone reads about monitoring vs. observability these days, and I have had the chance to experience what I think is the main concept behind this movement.

First of all, monitoring is complicated. Dashboards don't scale because they usually reveal the information you need until only after an outage is experienced, and, at some point, looking for spikes in your graphs becomes a straining eye exercise. And that's not monitoring, it is just a "not very" smart way to understand how something isn't working. In other words, monitoring is just the tip of the iceberg where the solid foundation is the knowledge you have of your system.

GDPR Compliance: How Continuous Vulnerability Scanning Is Key

Even months after the interest in GDPR compliance peaked, some companies are struggling to make sure they comply with this new set of regulations aimed at protecting the privacy and security of European citizens. The regulation applies to businesses anywhere as long as their users are in the EU, and with the highest penalties potentially reaching the millions of euros, they’re right to worry.

Take the case of British Airways, for example. On September 6th, 2018, the airline announced that it had suffered a breach that affected around 380,000 users, and that part of the stolen data included personal and payment information.