Relational to NoSQL: CRM Application Data Visibility

As a follow up to my previous webcast on the subject of Relational to NoSQL database, I discussed that we are in the third phase of the NoSQL adoption, the “Broad Replatforming” of Enterprise Application. I want to provide an example in this article on how an application can leverage JSON data model and Couchbase N1QL (a SQL++ Implementation) to address the complex data visibility rule of a CRM Application.


One critical aspect in a CRM application, but one that is often overlooked, is the activity management process. To manage the customer relationship, and to do so effectively, the application needs to keep track of all the activities directly or indirectly associated to the task of relationship management. A CRM activity captures all the interactions that a business has with its customers throughout the entire relationship. It is also used to record different activities that are in the CRM system, some of which may not be directly associated to the accounts, such as the lead generation process, quota management, and order fulfillment. It is also used by the Marketing campaign and Services to track all the support activities.