Web design trends for 2019

Modern brands seek to interact with their audience. Thus, website design must be expressive and lively. Today, you can’t impress your audience with bright images only. People want to get a certain combination of emotions when visiting your website. For example, when users buy garments through social networks like Instagram, they feel like they will look exactly like the model promoting the clothes. Let’s see what web design trends are anticipated to occur in 2019.

Non-standard approach to web design

In the next year, websites will be greatly affected by a chaotic nature and randomness of visual information. For example, non-standard placement of visual blocks can hone the user’s appetites for your brand, goods, or services.

A full-screen video is an informative element

A full-screen video will take a leading position in web design. That’s because this content is informative and useful for readers as there is no need to scroll the entire page down and read a long post. Instead, you may take your time and watch or listen to the information you consider to be useful for you.

Geometric shapes can brush up your website

The use of geometric shapes in web design is not a new thing. This trend appeared in 2016 and it’s presumed, that it will gain the highest popularity in 2019. The websites designed in such a way look friendly, thus, attracting more and more users.

Cinemagraphs will replace gifs

People often confuse cinemagraphs with gifs but in fact, these two effects are quite different. Cinemagraphs are static images containing only a single dynamic element. Marketers generate lots of bright ideas for cinemagraphs. Traditional animation still works well. All these web effects attract more users and motivate people to check out the rest of the content on your website.

Bright colors stay actual

Bright colors will remail actual in 2019. They can make your site look more stylish and rich. Gradients can be also used to make a page more fresh and unique. An interesting innovation is flashing and vibrating colors. If you are at the start line with redesigning your website, think about outsourcing to Ukraine. Contacting overseas developers can save your time and money. Offshore development companies have lower rates for software engineering, web development, and design.

Simple design and unique fonts

Unique fonts are in high demand in the web design industry. Along with a minimalistic design, unusual fonts enhance websites and emphasize the importance of the content. Non-standard fonts will gain their popularity in 2019.

Minimalism and translucent buttons

In today’s busy world, people don’t want to pay too much attention to the long guidelines or blog articles on the web. They will likely read a pair of words about what you do and what useful services you can offer to them. Thus, more and more website owners aim to deliver valuable content. The philosophy of minimalism – less is more – becomes popular.

Photos of people

People become central figures in advertisements produced by brands. That’s because people want to see other people in ads to understand how this or another thing will meet their needs in real life. Realistic ad campaigns stir emotions and associations with style and aesthetics.

Natural and exclusive shapes

We prefer natural lines, shapes, and forms to straight lines. The natural design makes users calm and, at the same time, it encourages them to check out your content.

Surely, you don’t have to follow all the trends in web design, yet, it’s useful to be aware of them. Let’s sum it up!

  1. Notable headlines. They attract users and help highlight the main point.
  2. Minimalism. Interfaces should be simple, clear, and user-friendly.
  3. Empty spaces. Empty spaces help make design clear.
  4. Bright colors have the ability to move people.
  5. Voluminous elements. Volume attracts users attention and makes your website stand out from competitors.
  6. Gradients. A smooth transition of colors makes people calm.
  7. Animation. It helps make users focused on the main point.

You can easily use one of these concepts or mix them carefully to get the most out of the upcoming trends.

This is a guest article by Irina Kravchenko, a content writer from Diceus.