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How to find articles written by a member starting at chat.

Backstory. A member messaged me about a moderator action so I wanted to see their discussions. How to find their discussions looked elusive.

Here's how to get to their discussions. Click on their avator to get their Dazah page and information then click on Member Stats to see their discussions.

Now you know.

A General Apology…

To all in the last week or so who received a private message from me consisting only of the phrase, Noli Mentula, I sincerely apologize. In the previous incarnation of Daniweb, sending a private message was considerably different than in the new version. I had assumed that a message would not be sent unless/until I composed it, then clicked some equivalent of Send. You know. Like practically every other text messaging system ever invented. While trying to work through the new system with Dani I inadvertantly started conversations with several users.

To further explain noli mentula... It fall into the realm of fake latin phrases except this one is not quit as fake as some. It is an idiom which, in effect, translates as play nice. I consider it the most concise wording of the Golder Rule (do unto others...). In English it is commonly referred to as Wheaton's Law, after actor Wil Wheaton.

How to Setup the Perfect Website/Portfolio for Designers

For a lot of designers, standing out can be hard to do. In addition to talent, you need a brand that can easily be recognized and distinguished between all the other designers of the world. Possibly the best way to stand out is to have a website/portfolio that is both unique and professional. Here, we’ll discuss some of the tips you’ll want to consider when you’re setting up your website/portfolio, and how you can use them to reel in those new clients.

Get your domain name right

A domain name can say a lot about a brand. It’s the very first detail that clients will associate with your work, so it has to be easy to remember, and reflect what you do in some way, shape, or form.


If you’re a designer, then you’re in luck. Right now, you can get a free (yes really) .design domain name that comes with all of the right stuff to get you started. If you’ve been holding out for a while because the .com version of the domain name you wanted was taken, now is your chance. Having a .design domain name as a designer is like a dream come true. Your prospective clients will know what you’re all about before they even click on your name. You honestly can’t lose! Take me to me free .design domain name!

Use the right work samples

The easiest way to attract a new client is to show them your previous work. You’ll want to show them the best you have to offer. Is there a project that you’re not particularly proud of? Don’t worry. It’s not a crime to not include it.


In addition to showing off the best of what you’ve got, you should aim for diversity. You never know what kind of client will hit you up, so it’s best that you cover as much ground as possible. Show off multiple different websites you’ve completed for clients in different industries, not just print ad after print ad for the same brewing company. Spice it up a little!

productive morning routine

Tell your story

With each project you complete, you should add a few descriptive details about what brought that project together. Without detail, it’s like ordering food at a nice restaurant just by looking at a picture. Just like people want to know what they’re eating, they want details about how you put your projects together.


Another way you can approach this is by describing what the past clients wanted, and then showing what you gave them. Show them step-by-step how you’ve made people’s dreams turn into reality. If people can see how you’ve made other people happy, there’s no reason to think that you couldn’t do the same for them.

Worry about optimization

Looks can be deceiving. A website can look absolutely amazing, but if it performs poorly, then you can scare away clients. Your website should run as smooth as butter and look good while doing so. You want the page to load up quickly, and the transitions between sections of the site to be flawless.


If you’re showing off your best work like we discussed a moment ago, then that means you probably have a lot of images. If your portfolio images load slowly, then the rest of your website will suffer. Here’s how you can avoid that:


  • Resize your images

Not every image has to be thousands of pixels, especially if only a few hundred can get the job done just as well. Before you upload any image, you should resize them according to the context they’re going into. In most cases, the pixel count shouldn’t exceed 900.


  • Compress your images

Most of the time, you can shrink your file size without disturbing the pixel count. There are lots of image compressor tools online to choose from, and they’re usually free, so why not?


Now, let’s say that a client sees your work, loves it, and can navigate through your website with ease. How do you land them? Once all of that happens, you simply need to supply them with an easy contact form. Your clients should be able to find your contact form quickly, and be able to fill it out easily. Put the link to contact you in as many reasonable places as you can. Ideally, it should be available on every page.


A lot of times, design agencies will display their phone numbers and emails, and there’s nothing wrong with that. But a contact form makes you much more reachable. The client can contact you straight through your own site.

The conclusion

It can be hard sometimes to stand out in a competitive industry. But, by following the tips above, you’ll be taking your first steps in the right direction. You want to make the user’s experience enjoyable and helpful. Remember that they’re searching online for someone to help them with their needs, not an entire photo album of past projects. Stand out, but look professional doing it.

Read More at How to Setup the Perfect Website/Portfolio for Designers

5 must-have features for your WordPress e-commerce website

First, let’s look at what you might need to add these features.

What are the tools for a great e-commerce website

WordPress is a great base upon which to build any e-commerce store. What’s more, WordPress comes replete with plugins that enable you to add features and functionalities without the need for complex coding, like Toolset.

Combine it with WooCommerce, and you’ve got yourself a powerful combination of e-commerce management tools on your side.

1. Custom Search

A custom search is a great way to help customers find the items they seek as soon as possible, avoiding any distractions.

Don’t assume that shoppers know the exact item they’re looking for, especially if they’re just here to window shop. A custom search allows you to provide a number of filters so that customers can narrow down their search and find exactly what they want.

2. Detailed product page

The product page is a critical piece in your website’s sales funnel. Whereas the home page or categories page show off how expansive your inventory is, the product page is your chance to give individual items a chance to shine.

Once shoppers land on the desired WooCommerce product page, you want to give them something impressive to look at.

Not only should you include great images and descriptive text but you should make sure you customize your WooCommerce product page. A custom product template will provide a unique shop window which will help your items stand out.

Not only can you style your page but you can also include other important features to it such as custom fields, taxonomies and special offers.

3. Related product recommendations

Another way to help visitors find what they need on your WooCommerce website — and help you upsell or cross-sell customers in the process — is to provide related product recommendations. You can do this in a number of ways and at different points throughout the customer journey.

You can display related product widgets or sliders beneath a product’s photo and description.

You can display a related product pop-up after an item was added to the shopping cart. You can also display related product pop-ups if someone is about to abandon the website before completing their purchase.

The goal is to accurately assess their needs based on their behavior and profile and provide them with an item that is related to the product they’ve shown interest in or an item that can replace the current one they’re looking at (in case it’s not exactly what they were looking for).

4. Product categories slider

Another way to compel visitors to peruse more of your store is to display product categories sliders around the site.

Related product widgets are essential in upselling items that visitors have already shown interest in. But product categories introduce them to inventory they might not have even been aware of or simply hadn’t considered buying at the time.

It’s a great way to inspire customers to stick around and get all their shopping done while they’re on your website.

5. Multilingual

One of the easiest and most cost-effective ways to expand into new markets is by creating a multilingual website. Not only will new customers be able to understand you but you can also localize your website by using the correct currency, taxation and by offering free shipping.

This is where a multilingual plugin should enter the picture. Specifically, you will need two plugins to accomplish this. WPML is the WordPress multilingual plugin. The free WooCommerce Multilingual plugin is the glue that connects WPML to your WooCommerce website.

With multilingual functionality programmed into your site, international customers can now enter your website and experience as seamless and welcoming an experience as those who are local to your business.

Wrapping Up

If you’ve spent enough time online as a consumer, you recognize that e-commerce websites come equipped with certain features and functionality you wouldn’t see on an ordinary business website. When building your own e-commerce site, be sure to take the five must-have features above into consideration if you want to compel your visitors to become customers. This WooCommerce tutorial will help get you started.

This is a guest post by Joe Lobo.

WPMU DEV Dashboard Now With Built-in Analytics And Plugin White Labeling

The WPMU DEV dashboard plugin is currently used on a quarter of a million sites (Wowzas!). And why wouldn’t it? It unlocks better security and performance, backups, one-click installations, automated updates, reports and improved support access. Some would say it’s the magic behind the magic :) The WPMU DEV Dashboard plugin works behind the scenes […]