New Android Phone is a Royal Pain

After saying for the last 10 years that I would never own a cell phone (I had enough of that spending many years on call), I finally broke down and got one. It is a Figo (Speak Out) Android (Marshmallow) phone that allows me to buy a block of minutes without having to pay monthly fees. Basically I can use it as much or as little as I want and just pay for what I use.

My first complaint was the almost complete lack of documentation. It is a royal pain in the ass figuring out what every little (microscopic, actually) icon means.

My second complaint is how piss poor bluetooth seems to work. I don't know if it's a problem with Windows 10 or the phone but it seems that every attempt to transfer a file requires 20-20 minutes of fighting, removing, recreating bluetooth connections, and reconnecting again and again.

But a major complaint is for a problem that shouldn't be problem. I have been under the care of the good doctors for some years now for chronic cancer and I have decided that it would be a good idea to keep a medical history summary on my phone and carry it with me to all my appointments. Apparently the doctors here do not understand that that's what my medical file is for. In any case, after fighting with bluetooth (see above) Ii got the file "medical history.txt" transferred to my phone. Unfortunately, every attempt to access this file resulted in a nasty message informing me that google docs was unavailable because I was offline.

Now, I only go online when I am home near my router (I was at home but was offline at the time). So I have a problem. The file is (supposedly) on my cell phone but is (apparently) unavailable for me to view unless I am online.

So I can now finally get to my question. How can I transfer a text file to my Android phone so that I can view it without having to be online? I used to have an IPAQ (early PDA) which did this just fine. Surely modern tech should be able to accomplish this simple task.