The DW Homepage shows duplicates and isn’t useful.

It seems everytime I visit the homepage of I get a screen that is modern in design but is missing the mark so much so that others and I are bypassing it and going elsewhere.

On top of that it shows duplicates of the same topic (see image) which I've seen it push up 3 or more that lead you to the same discussion. What makes it even more a place I may stop looking at is I can't click on the reply date and get to the answer or new content. Instead I have to either page through it all or use the Latest link and that works as expected.

The only reason I'm posting about this is this is screaming at me as a lost opportunity. Just fixing the page so I can get to the latest answer would be a big upgrade. I don't know why it would show that many boxes on the same discussion but hey, it's trying.

Let's hope you get some user testing done on this soon.