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WPForms Giveaway: The best we can do for you This Black Friday (3 Licenses)

A few months ago, I reviewed WordPress contact Form plugin “WPForms” and I urged my users to go for it. Today we’re excited to announce a WPForms Giveaway! We want to take WordPress to the next level through valuable resources, like WPForms. And now you have the chance to win 1 of 3 Yearly Subscriptions. Read More →

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Sending Files to a printer in Solaris Unix

 Hello, my name is John McPherson. I work as a contractor for the DOL, and I am trying convert some code I maintain in an application to send output files to a printer. Right now, the code( a bash script) just slowly prints the output file on the screen, and the customer wants to have it sent to the printer instead. I work on a 64-bit Oracle( Sun) system with Solaris 11 as the Operating System. I have tried the command

     lpr -h -l $showfl

in the bash script, but that just errors off without printing. I kept searching online with google search, and found the command

fmt -u -w 200 $showfl | lpr

but that also just errored off without printing. I finally found a Solaris man page on google that listed all of the system commands, and I could not find the lpr or fmt command on the man page. I have to think that Solaris allows the user to send files to the printer, and I am just missing something when I try to update the bash script. Note that in the width specification of my second attempt, I have a large number. That is actually correct, these output files do have a lot of columns, and I am trying force the printer to print the output as landscape, not portrait. I was using the -h and -l options to block printing a banner page, and have the printer just print the output as it was sent. If anybody can help me get these output files to print from Solaris 11, it would be greatly appreciated.

The DW Homepage shows duplicates and isn’t useful.

It seems everytime I visit the homepage of I get a screen that is modern in design but is missing the mark so much so that others and I are bypassing it and going elsewhere.

On top of that it shows duplicates of the same topic (see image) which I've seen it push up 3 or more that lead you to the same discussion. What makes it even more a place I may stop looking at is I can't click on the reply date and get to the answer or new content. Instead I have to either page through it all or use the Latest link and that works as expected.

The only reason I'm posting about this is this is screaming at me as a lost opportunity. Just fixing the page so I can get to the latest answer would be a big upgrade. I don't know why it would show that many boxes on the same discussion but hey, it's trying.

Let's hope you get some user testing done on this soon.