Possible geo-location bug

My geo-location was being displayed as Cambridge (I returned from there on Monday) so I told daniweb to update, which it did, except it now reported me as Winnipeg, Manitoba - 3,897 miles away. What am I 3,897 miles away from? Then, when I click on Member Connect it says (for example) that I am 46 miles away from aravindc (London, England) so I'm assuming that even though I did the update, part of daniweb still thinks I am in jolly old.

Start MonoDevelop Program as background Service

How do I start a MonoDevelop software program as a system service on Windows, Linux, and Mac? Windows appears to not have a system service setting. I have a WCF service that essentially runs from command line. Even if I have to run from command line, I will need to be able to start the command line server on startup.

Apologies for the weird tech, all you have to do is compile MonoDevelop for windows as per the instructions, and when you have a good WCF service you need to remember to set up the project as conventional command line until we can figure out how to run as service.

I am going to have overloads for this service on all those flavors, but linux and windows is most pressing.

Help Locate your own Email Message in Someone Else’s Gmail

You’ve sent an important email to a colleague but it is lost in the deluge of emails they receive every day, buried and forgotten. They can obviously use Gmail search operators, like FROM: or SUBJECT:, to locate that email later but wouldn’t it be useful if there were a way to directly locate that one missing email in their mailbox.

Well, there’s an alternate search trick and the sender can actually help the recipient find any specific email message that they have sent in the past.

When you send an email through Gmail, a unique Message ID is added to the email header as per the RFC 822 specification. To know the ID of your message, open the email inside Gmail, go to 3-dot menu and choose Show Original. The Message-ID will be displayed in the first line of the header as shown the screenshot.


The Message ID of a particular email message is exactly the same for both the sender and the recipient. That means if the recipient opens the header of your email in their mailbox, the message ID will match that of the message in your Gmail sent folder.

Gmail offers a lesser-known search operator – rfc822msgid – that helps you search emails by their message ID.

So if our message ID is xyz@mail.gmail.com, a simple search like rfc8222msgid:xyz@mail.gmail.com will return the exact email in search results.

RFC822 Message ID for Gmail

And that’s the trick. This search query will work for both the recipient and the email sender. So if you pass the message ID to the recipient, they can simply use the rfc822msgid operator to locate a specific email from you in their own mailbox.

Since the recipient ID is too complex, you can simply copy of the URL of the Gmail search page and pass them to the recipient. The URL will work for them as well since the Message ID is the same for them as well.

You can also use this search trick to bookmark emails in the browser.

Also see: Send Personalized Emails with Gmail

The post Help Locate your own Email Message in Someone Else’s Gmail appeared first on Digital Inspiration.

Best Tools for Code Collaboration

You're reading Best Tools for Code Collaboration, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+!

Collaboration Tools Intro

According to Forbes, 50 percent of Americans will work as independent contractors by 2027. Many tend to downplay freelancing as pertaining to only small-scale or personal projects and dismiss the implication and economic sustainability of freelancing. Independent contractors are not …

Web Designers, Eliminate These Design Pains Before They Kill Your Productivity

You're reading Web Designers, Eliminate These Design Pains Before They Kill Your Productivity, originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+!


Every job can have its ups and downs. Yet, it seems that this is especially true for those brave souls who decide to be web designers. Constantly experiencing the highs of new projects and displaying their masterpieces to the world. …

15 Vintage Signs That Will Inspire You For Your Next Project

The world around us yields rich inspiration for design projects. Photographs, movies, and websites are great sources for visual elements we can incorporate into our next graphics project. But one often-overlooked place to find that extra unique touch is vintage signs like the ones found here.Vintage signs have historic individuality that’s hard to beat when […]

The post 15 Vintage Signs That Will Inspire You For Your Next Project appeared first on designrfix.com.

Top 5 Best Case Study Designs For Designers and Developers

Using case study designs is one of the best ways that designers, developers, and other graphics creatives learn from one another. By carefully sifting through successes and failures, designers can get an idea of the workflow process and learn to carefully consider each element in relation to the project as a whole. These studies are more than […]

The post Top 5 Best Case Study Designs For Designers and Developers appeared first on designrfix.com.

How to list the name and the size of hard driver in python

I have python code that can list all drive letters but now I need also list the name of drive letter (Label) and the size of hard drive like below!

      Ltr    Label                   Size        
    ----  ------                  ---------  
     C       Windows              800 GB     
     E      Local Disk           200 GB  
     F       My Passport          500 GB
     Y        Secret               1 GB

import string
from ctypes import windll

def get_drives():
    drives = []
    bitmask = windll.kernel32.GetLogicalDrives()
    for letter in string.ascii_uppercase:
        if bitmask & 1:
        bitmask >>= 1

    return drives

if __name__ == '__main__':
    print (get_drives())    # On my PC, this prints ['A', 'C', 'D', 'F', 'H']

OR This code

import os
print (os.popen("fsutil fsinfo drives").readlines())

How can I do it ?
I appreciate your help really

How to Import Custom HTML Email Template from Postcards to Intercom (YouTube Tutorial)

You're reading How to Import Custom HTML Email Template from Postcards to Intercom (YouTube Tutorial), originally posted on Designmodo. If you've enjoyed this post, be sure to follow on Twitter, Facebook, Google+!

How to Import Custom HTML Email Template from Postcards to Intercom (YouTube Tutorial)

In this video, I will show you how to import a custom email template created in Postcards directly to Intercom. Open the Postcards App and let’s prepare our template for Intercom. First, insert all of the required tags into your …