Design Inspiration Roundup 06/2018

In these mixed galleries we’ll be bringing you guys inspiration from a wide variety of creative fields. Ranging from graphic and web design to more rarely updated categories like photography, illustration & product design.

Kevin Cantrell Studio
SOLID Wood by Slava Kornilov for Geex Arts
Diamond by Maxvision
Travel offers
ESPN Magazine, Fame 100 issue by Jordan Metcalf
Nomart Branding by Kuudes Helsinki & Stockholm
Hardy Smoked Masterpieces BY This is Pacifica
Solo: A Star Wars Story by Marko Manev
Solo: A Star Wars Story
GQ Cover
Fibre Royale by Triumph & Disaster
Calculate by Ilya Simonov
Upload animation
Microinteraction Concept for Text Boxes by Kyrylo Kazachek
“Why I’m No Longer Talking To White People About Race” by Bloomsbury Publishing
Experience. by Dennis Snellenberg
PROMETHEUS by Midnight Marauder MM
“Night of the Living Dead” by Sara Deck
Jason Carne
“Our time has value” by Abed Azarya
Mage Against the Machine book cover by Marko Manev
Saquarema by DsBD
Distracted by Everything
Budapest Craft Beer Brand and Packaging Design
Matthew Cook
Simpsons, Deconstructed by Juan Carlos Paz aka BAKEA
GIRLS — RITA ORA + CARDIE B + BEBE REHXA + CHARLI XCX by Pedro Henrique Ferreira
Dementia Game Desktop by Johan Adam Horn

Design Inspiration Roundup 06/2018 was originally published in From up North on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.