Design Inspiration Roundup 05/2018

In these mixed galleries we’ll be bringing you guys inspiration from a wide variety of creative fields. Ranging from graphic and web design to more rarely updated categories like photography, illustration & product design.

Ultima Frontiera by Grzegorz Domaradzki
Eddie Lobanovskiy
Primus OKC poster by Jeff Soto
Fashionista website by Loda for DWTD
Just Beauty v.02 by by Advanced Group
James Bullough
Keep hustlin’ by typebychris
Monsters go bump by Erika
Justice League by Yin Yuming
Californa Condor by Steve Wolf
House of Elrick — Gin
Rally Point by Alex Roka
Wom Magazine by JP Teixeira
SM Entertainment New Visual Identit
Synth Desktop Hardware 3d Wip01 by Mikael Eidenberg
Pennyback Tonics & Sodas by Chad Michael Studio
Smells like fresh paint by David Milan
Bury Me Beneath Books by Aaron Horkey
The Garden District, Baton Rouge by Spencer
And of course there’s some new movie posters as well…
‘No Country for Old Men’ by Marko Manev
Lord of the Rings by Bartosz Kosowski
“The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King” by Juan Esteban Rodriguez
The Babysitter (Netflix Series)
Star Wars Millennium Falcon
Terminator 2 Poster
Eyes Wide Shut by JS Rossbach
Her (2013)
Alien by Pascal Blanché
IT by Matt Ryan

Design Inspiration Roundup 05/2018 was originally published in From up North on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.