Great UI/UX Animations

We’re back with a new roundup with more nice UI animations that we’ve come across recently. Everything from subtle micro-animations to more majestic content loaders.

Single field form
Email input micro animation
Only Text Сontent App by Sergey Jani
Micro interactions for To-Do List App
Calendar, date range picker by Hernán Sartorio
Moving task flow interactions by Jakub Antalík
E-Commerce App by Alex Khoroshok
Apple OS / MacOS — Finder UI motion by Aurélien Salomon
Submit Credit Card Flow by Azís Pradana
RealWeather UI by Michal Sambora
Album details by Ivan Bjelajac
Multi-dimensional controller by Leo Leung
Google Wallpapers by Nikolai Prettner
Onboarding Flow by Sal for Weebly
Payment for flight app by Jekin Gala

Great UI/UX Animations was originally published in From up North on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.