How to CC or BCC Multiple Email Recipients with Gmail Merge

Let’s say you are sending out a personalized mass email using Mail Merge for Gmail but would still like to add certain recipients in the CC or BCC list.

If you would like to include the same recipient in the CC or BCC field for all merged email, go to the Add-ons menu in your Google Spreadsheet, choose Mail Merge with Attachments, Configure and put the emails in the CC or BCC input box as shown in the following screenshot.


How to CC / BCC Different People in Mail Merge

If you would like to use different CC or BCC email addresses for each recipient of Merge, here’s how to do it.

Open your Mail Merge sheet and create two additional columns. Set the header title of these columns as CC and BCC respectively. Now you can include one or more email addresses under these columns and they’ll be CCed or BCCed automatically during the merge.

bcc-merge.png Create new columns, CC & BCC, and include one or more emails (comma separated)

CC / BCC - Things to Know

Please note that Gmail counts every CC or BCC as a separate email and thus they would be counted against your mail merge quota. If you send 2 emails and each email has 1 recipient in the CC box, your effective merge quota will be reduced by 4 (2 + 2).

Also, it is not required to include yourself in the BCC list since mail merge stores all sent emails in your Gmail Sent items folder.