Download the new Xtreme One WordPress Framework for free and test now!

xtreme-1000x400-150x150With pleasure we can now announce that Xtreme One 1.6 was released as a beta last week! Xtreme One WordPress Framework gives you the freedom to easily create your WordPress Themes. No more inflexible layouts or having to change the code all the time. With the powerful framework you are able to realize your ideas very quickly.

Xtreme One is the world’s only WordPress framework that allows solid, fluid and flexible layouts.

With Xtreme One 1.6 also comes the possibility to adapt Xtreme One Widgets to your own needs or create custom widgets, an example is supplied in /xtreme-blank/ Child Theme. The Grid post widgets now support custom post types. Therefore an infinite number of options are available with just a few clicks to reposition content.

Using the unique content widgets you can integrate any widget in the post editor. Of particular interest would it for portfolio websites, certain posts in multiple columns responsive and fluid.

Xtreme One comes with 15 awesome Widgets, try out all of them and you will be amazed!

You can find more information about the powerful WordPress Framework here!

Download and test it for free

Beta testing ends 30.11.2013!