How to effectively promote blogger challenge games on the internet?

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I have an exciting project that offers interesting opportunities for bloggers, SEO publishers and their subscribers - it's a challenge game that is designed to be an interesting content for bloggers' subscribers.

As part of this project, bloggers will be able to upload their own photos or images to the gallery of this game, as well as add images, photos or avatars for greeting screens and splash screens. In doing so, the resulting clone of the game - the refub - bloggers will be able to promote to their subscribers.

This project involves an opportunity for bloggers' subscribers to feel part of the game process.

Each participant of the process, including both bloggers and SEO publishers, will be able to earn in the amount of their specified markups from each sold copy of the game.

SEO specialists act as publishers and also earn from sales in the amount of their specified markup on each copy of the game sold.

Special attention is paid to personal motivation and congratulations: subscribers who upload their photos or images will receive a personalized greeting from a blogger inside the game, which will help them keep their spirits up and motivated.

I would like to hear your opinions and ideas on how to promote this project online.

What strategies and methods of promotion would be the most effective?

I would be grateful for any ideas, advice and for your recommendations!

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