Help naming company

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Help please,

I'm trying to decide between names for my company:
Office Surgery
Office Surgery Centers

I am starting a company to help doctors open a surgery suite in their office. I own the domain: and have email addresses with including

Any suggestions? I am hoping to get people to vote on which they prefer given my domain ownership, etc.


User-Friendly Newsletters with AcyMailing for WordPress

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User-Friendly Newsletters with AcyMailing for WordPressIf you don’t have a newsletter set up already, now is the time to get started. A newsletter has limitless uses; you could inform users about your latest articles, thank them for signing up, remind them about abandoned carts, or invite them to upcoming events. And all of this can be totally automated, sending emails […]

The post User-Friendly Newsletters with AcyMailing for WordPress appeared first on WPExplorer.