Cloudflare Unifies Analytics Data With New GraphQL API

Cloudflare has recently announced the release of a new GraphQL Analytics API that the company sees as the answer to complications caused by a fragmented multi-API approach it had used until now. Using the new API Cloudflare customers will be able to access all performance, security, and reliability data from a single endpoint. 

Blue Beanie Day 2019

November 30th, the official "Blue Beanie Day," has come and gone. I'm not sure I ever grokked the exact spirit of it, but I've written about what it means to me. Last year:

Web standards, as an overall idea, has entirely taken hold and won the day. That's worth celebrating, as the web would be kind of a joke without them. So now, our job is to uphold them. We need to cry foul when we see a browser go rogue and ship an API outside the standards process.

Building off that, I'd add the need to prevent browsers from breaking things that have worked for half a decade, like iOS 13 did with CSS parallax.

Zeldman, the Blue Beanie Day champion, isn't particularly optimistic:

Mainly, though, Blue Beanie Day is receding from view because our industry as a whole thinks less and less about accessibility (not that we ever had an A game on the subject), and talks less and less about progressive enhancement, preferring to chase the ephemeral goal posts of over-engineered solutions to non-problems.

It's people who won the browser wars, so I suppose it's fitting that people are going to let it slip away.

The post Blue Beanie Day 2019 appeared first on CSS-Tricks.

Inserting Special Characters Into the Block Editor

For users of the Classic WordPress editor who often needed to insert special characters into their posts, life was once simple. Click the “Ω” button in the editor to open a modal with a list of characters not found on a standard keyboard. The user then only needed to click on the character they wanted to insert and go about the business of writing their post.

For users who made the move to the block editor and were accustomed to inserting special characters at the click of a button, life became more complicated. The answer to their woes was to first insert a Classic block and use its special character inserter, which kind of defeats the purpose of using the new and shiny block editor. Another option was to use the special character app/program packaged with their computer, which assumes all users know the keyboard shortcut for it or how to run the program.

By many accounts, this would be considered a standard feature for any text editor. When WordPress is at a stage of trying to sell a new editor, it should be prepared to include features that users of the old editor consider standard. The lack of a special-character inserter could have been written off as an oversight if people were not asking for it.

People were asking for it.

Fortunately, the requests caught the attention of the 10up team. In September this year, they released the first version of their Insert Special Characters plugin. It has since gone through a couple of updates and works well across browsers.

The plugin is simple and does its job much better than the previous Classic editor inserter. Instead of just handling the basics, the team went above and beyond what was necessary to launch the plugin.

The plugin adds a new sub-menu item to the text toolbar titled “Ω Special Characters.”

Screenshot of the special characters rich text menu item.
“Special Characters” rich text menu item.

After clicking the link to insert a special character, a modal box appears on the screen. The box provides hundreds of special characters to choose from. It sorts them under Miscellaneous, Math, Latin, and Arrow categories while providing a search filter to narrow down the list. The box can also be reached by typing ctrl/cmd + o on the keyboard.

Screenshot of the special characters insertion modal.
Special characters insertion modal box.

Like many modals, the box pops up in a weird position from time to time, depending on where the insertion point is on the screen. Outside of that, I found no major problems with the plugin.

The plugin also provides a hook for other developers to manipulate the tabs and available characters in the modal.

This does beg the question of whether the feature should be implemented in the core block editor now. If the core team puts it in at this point, one would hope they would make it competitive with the plugin. Anything less would be a letdown.

Tutorial: Secure Your Java App in 5 Minutes with OAuth 2.0

Present-day apps depend on user authentication, which can be challenging for Java developers. Many developers build their own authentication service as a placeholder for a more powerful option only for that homegrown service to become a permanent solution. Through this post, I will show you how to integrate an enterprise auth service to a simple app as a solution to ending this heartbreak of a cycle. 

We’ll create an app that showcases user information. We’ll manually compose the authentication in the app to see the downsides. We’ll then move to the enterprise-auth solution. By the end of this post, you’ll learn how to secure a working Spring app using OAuth 2.0 for authentication in just 5 minutes.

Vue Tutorial 7 – Components

Granny is delighted! Your latest update of her web app really impressed her. She can now comfortably manage guests for her upcoming birthday party, knowing that she will not accidentally submit invalid data to the table, thanks to our frontend validation. However, she also mentioned something about reviewing your code and asked about the reusability of components within the app. This sent a chill down your spine. It’s time to learn about reusable Vue Components…

Vue Components

The more you program in Vue, the more thankful you will be for the Vue component system. Components are not very useful in small applications that we covered in this series of tutorials up to now. It is really important to understand how they work and what they are as they become very useful when building large applications, which you will inevitably face in your programming career.

Scratching the Surface of Data Virtualization

What Is Data Virtualization?

Data Virtualization is an advanced approach to data integration. It is an easier way to integrate, federate, and transform data from multiple data sources into a single, unified environment in real-time. With Data Virtualization, you’re not just collecting different data sources (such as ETL, ESB, and other middleware) but connecting them and leveraging existing Data Warehouse, Big Data lakes, or different data infrastructures already in place.

Therefore, Data Virtualization has the ability to provide a holistic view of business operations and quickly help identify new value possibilities.  Please note, the data can easily be accessed or shared by other applications, without replicating the data through the “virtual” metadata layer.

API Design: Tabs vs Spaces

API Design

With Thanksgiving behind us, the holiday season is now in full effect with lights on houses, jingles on the radio and relentless commercials reminding us we need to buy gifts for our loved ones. It is during this time of year when I drive past the giant USA pet stores, not you, but rather Petco and PetSmart, that I’m reminded of this slogan: “A dog is for life not just for Christmas.” Now, what if we were to change the word “dog” to “APIs”? 

Azure Cosmos DB — A to Z

Azure Cosmos DB


Cosmos DB can be considered one of the most lethal weapons in Azure’s arsenal. It comes with a bunch of features that makes this service stand out among its various database offerings.

Recently, I utilized it for a flash sale requirement, where the hits-per-second requirement was more than 6k, the application was storing the users and orders details from multiple regions in real-time.

The Next Evolution in Artificial Learning

The Next Evolution in Artificial Learning

The seemingly inevitable march towards machines generating human-like intelligence has been a staple of science fiction for a generation, but it remains something that is a dot on the horizon. A new paper from Michigan State University reminds us of the work that still needs to be done, whilst also proposing a way for machine intelligence to evolve as natural organisms have.

“We know that all organisms are capable of some form of learning, we just weren’t sure how those abilities first evolved. Now we can watch these major evolutionary events unfold before us in a virtual world,” the authors explain. “Understanding how learning behavior evolved helps us figure out how it works and provides insights into other fields such as neuroscience, education, psychology, animal behavior, and even AI. It also supplies clues to how our brains work and could even lead to robots that learn from experiences as effectively as humans do.”

React Dashboard Ultimate Guide Part 3: Customize UI

This is the last part of a guide on building dynamic analytics dashboards and applications with React, GraphQL, and Cube.js. It covers an introduction to the customization of the UI. At the end of the blog post, I'll add links to the customization of individual components of the dashboard, such as query builders and the charts themselves. The online demo is available here. Parts one and two are available at their respective links. 

The dashboard template was generated using the Ant Design UI React library. It is one of the most popular React UI kits, alongside Material UI. It uses Less as a stylesheet language and allows us to customize the design by overriding default Less variables.

How to Deploy an Angular App on Firebase

In this article, I am going to share with you how you can deploy your Angular application on Firebase.

In case you don’t know what Firebase is, it’s a mobile and web application development and deployment platform. For more details, check out this link.

Vue Tutorial 8 — Component Events

In our pursuit of being able to handle large, scalable, maintainable web apps we became familiar with and learned about Vue Components. We learned how to:

  • Define a component.
  • Instantiate a component.
  • Pass data to a component using props.

In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to trigger events in the app based on some user action registered by our “child” component. 


Interesting idea for a "chat room" from Postlight:

  1. Create a Yap chat room.
  2. Invite others to join and talk.
  3. Share a URL of just about anything.
  4. Everyone gathering can comment on what you’ve shared.
  5. If you think your conversation deserves an audience, share the URL of your chat publicly.
  6. Only six people can join. Lots of people can observe if you invite them. But just six chatters.


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The post Yap appeared first on CSS-Tricks.