WooCommerce to Stop Registering Customizer Options in Upcoming 6.9 Release

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WooCommerce is making a strong push towards getting the Customizer menu out of the admin for those who are using a block theme. In an effort to clean up the admin and eliminate confusion, the plugin will stop registering Customizer options when a block theme is active beginning with version 6.9. This will go into effect with WooCommerce 6.9, which is expected to be released in September 2022. 

The problem is that site owners can get confused by having both the “Edit site” and “Customize” menu links in the admin.

This change is an important one for WooCommerce developers to acknowledge if they are still registering settings within the WooCommerce panel in the Customizer. Developers can opt to use the customize_register action to include Customizer menu items, but continuing to offer Customizer options is not an ideal user experience.

“Subpanels or sections registered within the WooCommerce panel on the Customizer will no longer be accessible since the Customizer links will be removed,” WooCommerce engineer Alba Rincón said in the announcement. “If you’re the developer of a theme or extension that relies on the presence of these you will need to make changes to ensure a smooth transition.”

WooCommerce core developers recommend plugin authors update their products to relocate any Customizer settings to a block, pattern, or the Global Styles menu.

Community developers are also invited to weigh in on a change that may impact developers’ debugging workflows. It is a proposal designed to address the problem of the growing size of the WooCommerce zip archive, which is rapidly approaching a size where it is difficult for some users to update with out timing out. The core team is considering removing JavaScript and CSS source files from releases, but this major change requires community feedback. The discussion will be open on GitHub until August 26th, 2022.

How to Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page

Set Up Woocommerce

Would you like to customize your WooCommerce product search results page?

By default, WordPress and WooCommerce have limited search capabilities. By customizing your product search results, you’ll be able to increase sales and grow your business.

In this article, we’ll show a few easy ways you can customize your WooCommerce product search results page to provide a better user experience.

How to Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page

Why Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page?

By default, WooCommerce comes with a built in product search feature. However, it has serious limitations. This could mean that your customers won’t be able to find the products they’re looking for.

As a result, you may be losing potential sales. If your customers can’t find what they’re looking for, then they may not come back to your online store.

How does this happen? The default WooCommerce search only indexes the title, content, and excerpt of posts and pages. It doesn’t consider any content within custom fields while performing a search.

That’s a problem because a great deal of your WooCommerce product data is stored in custom fields. As a result, none of your WooCommerce product categories, tags, reviews, and other special attributes will be indexed.

Luckily, you can solve this problem using a WooCommerce product search plugin.

That being said, let’s take a look at some examples of how you might improve your WooCommerce product search results page.

Here is what you will learn from this guide. You can click the link to skip ahead to the section you’re interested in.

Making WooCommerce Product Data Searchable

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the SearchWP plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

SearchWP is the best custom search plugin for WordPress, and is used by over 30,000 websites. It’s also one of the best plugins for WooCommerce because it delivers more relevant product results to your customers.

Note: You’ll need at least the Pro plan to access WooCommerce integration.

Upon activation, you need to visit the SearchWP » Settings page and switch to the ‘Support’ tab to enter your license key. You can find it in your account area on the SearchWP site.

Paste Your SearchWP License Key

Next, you need to install and activate the WooCommerce Integration extension.

You can download it from your account area on the SearchWP website and install it as you would install any other WordPress plugin.

Install the WooCommerce Integration Extension

Now you are ready to set up your SearchWP custom search engine.

Simply go to the SearchWP » Settings page and make sure you’re on the ‘Engines’ tab. Once there, you need to click the ‘Sources & Settings’ button.

Click on the 'Sources & Settings' Button

This will bring up a popup where you should make sure the checkbox next to ‘Products’ is checked. This will allow SearchWP to index your WooCommerce products.

WooCommerce product reviews are stored as comments. If you want to make reviews searchable, then you should also check the ‘Comments’ box.

Check the Products and Comments Boxes

Once you’ve done that, click on the ‘Done’ button to close the popup.

Now you need to scroll down to the ‘Products’ section. Notice that by default, the plugin will only look at the product title, content (description), slug, and excerpt (short description).

Click the 'Add/Remove Attributes' Button in the Products Section

You can extend SearchWP’s reach by clicking on the ‘Add/Remove Attributes’ button.

This will bring up a popup where you can include specific custom fields and taxonomies in searches. For this tutorial, we’ve added the ‘color’ and ‘size’ custom fields, and the taxonomies ‘product categories’ and ‘product tags’.

Add Custom Fields and Taxonomies to the Search Engine

You can now click the ‘Done’ button, and you should notice that those custom fields and taxonomies have been added to the products section of SearchWP.

After that, you can adjust the weight of each attribute. If you’d like to make a specific attribute more important in search results, then simply move the slider to the right.

Adjust the Importance of Each Attribute

When you’re done, go ahead and click on the ‘Save Engines’ button at the top of the screen to save your settings.

SearchWP will then start rebuilding your search index in the background. After that, the plugin will be ready to start delivering more relevant search results to your WooCommerce store.

Click the 'Save Engine' Button

SearchWP will automatically use any search forms on your online store. However, if you need to add a search form, then see our step by step guide on how to create a custom WordPress search form. This will also teach you how to style the results page using custom CSS.

Now you can go to your WooCommerce store to try out the search feature. We’ll search for the product category ‘hoodies’, and all products in that category will be displayed.

Product Search Results Page Preview

To learn more, see our guide on how to make a smart WooCommerce product search.

Customizing Which Products Will Be Shown on Search Results Pages

By default, SearchWP will include all of the products in your online store in the search results. However, you may wish to specify which products should or should not be displayed.

For example, you can automatically exclude products if they fall under certain conditions, like if they are discontinued or out of stock. Or you might only display products that are on sale or come with free shipping.

For example, the AeroPress WooCommerce store lets you search for products with free shipping. This is a great incentive for customers to make a purchase.

AeroPress Product Search Results Page

To get started, you should click the ‘Edit Rules’ button in SearchWP’s Products section.

Click the 'Edit Rules' Button

Right now there are no rules. You can create as many rules as you need.

To create your first rule, you need to click the ‘Add Rule’ button.

Click the 'Add Rule' Button

Now you can specify the conditions for which products should be shown or excluded from search results. For this tutorial, we’ll exclude all out of stock products.

First, you should select ‘Exclude entries if’ from the first drop down menu. Then select the ‘Product visibility’ taxonomy and type ‘outofstock’ in the field next to it.

Creating a Rule to Exclude Out of Stock Products

If you like, you can add additional conditions that should be excluded by clicking the ‘OR’ button. Once you’re finished adding rules, click the ‘Done’ button.

Now all you need to do is press the ‘Save Engines’ button at the top to store your changes.

Click the 'Save Engine' Button

To learn about more ways you can make use of SearchWP’s rules, see our guide on how to exclude specific pages, authors, and more from WordPress search.

Displaying Product Search Results in Live Mode

Live search will improve the search experience on your WooCommerce store by automatically showing search results as your customers type their queries.

For example, Good Dye Young offers live search results on their hair and makeup products.

Relevant products and articles are immediately displayed while the customer types their search query, providing a better user experience.

Good Dye Young Product Search Results Page

To add this to your own store, all you need to do is install and activate the free SearchWP Live Ajax Lite Search plugin. For more details, see our step by step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, your WooCommerce search forms will automatically provide live search.

Live Search Preview

For more details, see our guide on how to add live search to your WordPress site.

Finding Partial Matches and Other Advanced Features

Partial matching will help your customers to find what they are searching for, even if they don’t type the whole word or use the correct spelling.

For example, the Magna-Tiles online store has partial matching enabled. Customers only need to type part of a product name to find it in the search results.

Magna-Tiles Product Search Results Page

To enable partial matching in SearchWP, you should navigate to SearchWP » Settings and click on the Advanced tab.

On this page, you can enable some settings that will make it easier for your users to find what they are looking for.

SearchWP Advanced Settings

Check any of these options that you would like:

  • Partial matches will also display results that don’t quite match the term that is being searched for.
  • Automatic “Did you mean?” corrections will suggest a slightly different search term that will match more products in your online store.
  • Supporting “quoted/phrase searches” will allow your users to use quotes when searching for exact phrases.
  • Highlighting terms in results will make it easier for your customers to find what they are looking for in the search results.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to customize the WooCommerce product search results page. You may also want to learn how to add wholesale pricing in WooCommerce, or check out our list of the best email marketing services.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Customize WooCommerce Product Search Results Page first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Drive WooCommerce Sales with FOMO

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How to Drive WooCommerce Sales with FOMOThis guide is all about FOMO marketing techniques that you can employ to drive more sales. FOMO is one of the best WooCommerce marketing techniques to entice customers to buy from you. However, it might appear deceptive and possibly alienate your more sophisticated customers if you don’t execute it correctly. What is FOMO? “FOMO” or […]

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Newfold Digital Acquires YITH to Expand WooCommerce Expertise

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Newfold Digital, the parent company of Bluehost, Yoast, and Web.com, has acquired YITH, a WordPress plugin company with more than 100 WooCommerce extensions.

YITH’s has more than 2.3 million active installs across its suite of products. The company hosts 31 plugins on WordPress.org, many that are lite versions with commercial upgrades. YITH’s most popular product, the YITH WooCommerce Wishlist plugin, is active on more than 900,000 WooCommerce sites.

YITH founder and CEO Nando Pappalardo said he started this endeavor in 2011, in a small apartment in Southern Italy. The project later became YITH, a company that has grown to employ 46 people. All YITH employees, including its leadership team, will join Newfold Digital as part of the acquisition.

“The acquisitions of YITH and Yoast last year are a part of a long-term strategy to provide the best solutions to our WordPress customers and further our expertise,” Newfold Digital President Ed Jay said.

“As a company providing WordPress solutions, we’re always looking for opportunities to create better customer experiences to help our customers succeed. YITH will allow us to offer a world-class WooCommerce experience and make it easier for our 7 million small business customers to thrive online, similar to how Yoast helped with SEO.”

The YITH team currently maintains nearly 150 plugins, with a much smaller number available on WordPress.org. Jay said that Newfold Digital plans to work with YITH to “expand the plugins available in the directory to reach more online sellers.” 

Pappalardo confirmed that YITH will remain an independent brand, while improving its products and developing new e-commerce business solutions at Newfold Digital.

“The only difference is that now we will have the strength and drive of a partner that will allow us to break through,” Pappalardo said.

“We have hundreds more [plugins] on the idea board. Our solutions will still be available on our website and through WordPress.org. There are no plans to remove our free products from WordPress.org or change our current support for them. Existing customers will continue to be able to use YITH products as they do today. Additionally, our team will be exploring new solutions for our customers but also finding ways to introduce YITH products at the beginning of the website process.”

How to Change the WooCommerce Shop Page Title (Quick & Easy)

Set Up Woocommerce

Do you want to change the shop page title in WooCommerce?

By default, your main shop page is simply called ‘Shop’. You may want to change the default title to be more descriptive and engaging, and better reflect your brand.

In this article, we’ll show you how to change the WooCommerce shop page title easily.

How to change the WooCommerce shop page title (quick & easy)

Why Change the Shop Page Title in WooCommerce?

When you install WooCommerce, it will automatically create pages like your shop page, account page, checkout page, and more.

By default, the shop page title will be ‘Shop’, but you can change this to anything you want, like ‘Boutique’ or ‘Store’ or something more detailed and descriptive. Overall, this can help create a better shopping experience and help build trust with your visitors.

Customizing your shop page title can also help your WooCommerce search engine optimization. Google and other search engines look at the words used in page titles to determine how to rank them in search results. If your shop page title is more descriptive, it can help you get more traffic to your online store.

With that said, let’s show you how to easily change the WooCommerce shop page title. Simply use the quick links below to jump straight to the method you want to use.

Method 1: Changing the WooCommerce Shop Page Title with Built-in WordPress Settings

The easiest and most beginner friendly way to change the shop page title in your online store is by using the built-in settings.

To change the title of your shop page, simply go to Pages » All Pages. You’ll need to find the page that says ‘Shop – Shop Page’ and then hover over it and click the ‘Edit’ button.

Go to all pages and open shop page

From here, you can enter a new page title at the top of the page.

Make sure to click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes.

Add new shop page title

Now, you can visit your shop page, and you’ll see your new shop page title live.

Changing your shop page title this way will update your breadcrumbs and navigation menu too.

Shop page new title example

Method 2: Changing the WooCommerce Shop Page Title by Adding Code to WordPress

Some WooCommerce themes might not give you the option to change your shop page title.

To do this, you’ll need to add code to WordPress. If you haven’t done this before, then see our guide on how to copy and paste code in WordPress.

Then, you can add the following code snippet to your functions.php file, in a site-specific plugin, or by using a code snippets plugin

add_filter( 'woocommerce_page_title', 'new_woocommerce_page_title');
function new_woocommerce_page_title( $page_title ) {
  if( $page_title == 'Shop' ) {
    return "New Shop Title";

Make sure you replace the ‘New Shop Title’ with your own shop page title in the snippet above.

Now, you can visit your online shop page to see your new title live. You’ll notice this method doesn’t change the shop page URL or WooCommerce breadcrumbs, but only changes the title on the page itself.

Shop page title example with code

Method 3: Changing the WooCommerce Shop Page SEO Title with a WordPress Plugin

Another way to change your WooCommerce shop page title is by changing the shop title that shows up in the search engines, which is called the SEO title or title tag.

This can be a great way to get more traffic and target more relevant keywords related to your online store.

The easiest way to do this is by using the AIOSEO plugin. It’s the best WordPress SEO plugin in the market used by over 3 million websites. 


You can use the plugin easily optimize your SEO title to improve your search engine rankings.

For more details on setting up the plugin, see our guide on how to setup All in One SEO for WordPress correctly.

After that, you can easily change your shop page SEO title by opening up your shop page and scrolling down to the ‘AIOSEO Settings’ box beneath the page editor.

You can use smart tags to automatically generate the shop page title, or enter a custom title instead.

AIOSEO shop page title

If you want to fully customize the title and page design of your WooCommerce shop page, then we recommend using SeedProd.

It’s a drag & drop design builder that lets you customize every Aspect of your WooCommerce store.

SeedProd WooCommerce Design Builder

We hope this article helped you learn how to change the WooCommerce shop page title. You may also want to see our expert pick of the best WooCommerce plugins and best WooCommerce hosting for creating a successful online store.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Change the WooCommerce Shop Page Title (Quick & Easy) first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Add Product Tags, Attributes, and Categories to WooCommerce

Set Up Woocommerce

Do you want to learn how to add tags, attributes, and categories to your WooCommerce products?

By optimizing your WooCommerce product listings, you can help your visitors find what they’re looking for and get more traffic from search engines and social media. 

In this article, we’ll show you how to add product tags, attributes, categories, and more in WooCommerce, step by step.

How to add product tags, attributes, and categories to WooCommerce

Why Add Product Tags, Attributes and Categories to WooCommerce Products?

Adding the right product tags, attributes, and categories in WooCommerce will help you to get more traffic to your online store, make more sales, and improve the overall user experience for your customers.

Firstly, using categories, tags, and attributes in WooCommerce will make your store more organized, helping visitors find the products they’re looking for much faster.

They can also help to improve your store’s search engine optimization. That’s because using descriptive tags, attributes, and categories will help your products to appear in more searches, growing your traffic and sales.

What’s the Difference Between Categories, Tags, and Attributes in WooCommerce?

Many beginners get confused about the differences between categories, tags, and attributes. 

Categories are meant for a broad grouping of your products, like men’s, women’s, or children’s clothing.

Tags are more like keywords for a specific product. A women’s shirt could have tags like summer, discount, casual, soft, and more.

Attributes are for specific characteristics of a product. For example, you can give important information about the product’s weight, material, color, and more.

This is common in clothing stores, where customers can filter products by a specific size, color, or fabric.

Here’s an example of a WooCommerce product with the category ‘Accessorites’ and an attribute for the color red listed on the product page.

WooCommerce product with categories, tags, attributes

Categories and tags are used for your WordPress blog posts as well. You can read more about the difference in our guide to categories vs tags.

That being said, let’s show you how to add product categories, tags, and attributes to your WooCommerce products.

Adding Product Categories, Tags, and Attributes to WooCommerce Products

WooCommerce has built in settings to add categories, tags, and attributes right out of the box. 

To add categories, navigate to Products » Categories in your WordPress admin panel.

Then, you can give your category a name, add a slug, and choose whether or not it has a parent category. 

Add new product category

Next, you can optionally give your category a description and choose the ‘Display type’ from the ‘Default’ drop down.

This controls what the category landing page will look like. Here you can choose to display your ‘Default’ theme options, ‘Products’, ‘Subcategories’, or ‘Both’.

The Default option will depend on the theme you’re using. ‘Products’ would display all the products in that category and any subcategories on the main category page (for example, wpbeginner.com/shop/jackets). ‘Subcategories’ would simply display the subcategories, and the visitor would have to click on one of the subcategories to view those products.

Select category display type

If you want to add a category thumbnail, then click the ‘Upload/Add image’ button.

Make sure you click the ‘Add new category’ button to save your changes.

Add product category thumbnail

To add more categories or subcategories, simply follow the same steps as above. 

Now you can assign a product to a category by going to your product page, then checking the category box in the ‘Product categories’ section.

Add category on individual product page

You can also click the ‘Add new category’ link.

This brings up a section where you can quickly create new categories on the fly. 

Add new category on product page

Once you’re finished assigning categories, make sure to click the ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ button.

Adding and Editing Product Tags

Your product tags are similar to tags in your blog posts. You can use product tags to make it easier for your visitors to find the exact products they’re looking for. 

To add new tags, simply go to Products » Tags and enter the name of your tag, the slug, the description, and then click the ‘Add new tag’ button.

Add new product tag

To add more tags, simply follow the same steps as above. 

You can also add individual tags to your product pages. Simply open up the product page you want to edit, then enter your tags into the ‘Product tags’ box and click the ‘Add’ button.

Add tags to product page

Once you’re finished, make sure to click ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ to save your changes. 

Adding and Editing Product Attributes

Finally, you have product attributes. These help group products together and offer users a way to filter your products.

To add product attributes, you need to go to Products » Attributes and then give your attribute a name and slug.

You can also enable archives by checking the ‘Enable Archives’ box. This gives you the ability to display all items that share that attribute on a page. 

Add new product attribute

After that, you need to choose the ‘Default sort order’. This is the order your products will appear on the shop page for that attribute.

We’ll choose the ‘Custom ordering’ option to give more control, but you can also order by name, and term ID.

Set default sort order

Then, click the ‘Add attribute’ button to add it to the attribute table.

Now, you need to click the ‘Configure terms’ link to add terms to the attribute. 

Click configure terms

For example, if you created an attribute called ‘Color’, then you can add the individual colors as terms.

This brings up a screen similar to the main attribute screen, where you need to enter the name, slug, and optional description.

Add new attribute term

Then, click the ‘Add New Color’ button to save your attribute terms. You can add as many attribute terms as you want by repeating the process.

Once you’ve done that, you can add your attributes to individual products.

Simply open up the product page you want to edit, then click the ‘Attributes’ option in the ‘Product data’ section under the text editor.

Go to product data attributes section

Next, select your attribute in the ‘Custom product attribute’ drop down.

Then, click ‘Add’.

Select product attribute drop down

This adds the attribute to your product. 

Now, you can select your attribute terms from the ‘Value(s)’ box.

Select attribute terms

Once you’re done adding your attributes, click the ‘Save attributes’ button.

After that, make sure to click ‘Publish’ or ‘Update’ to save your product. 

Optimizing Your Product Listings for WooCommerce SEO

Once you’re done creating tags, attributes, and categories, you can improve your product pages even more with the help of an SEO plugin.

We recommend using All in One SEO since it’s the best WordPress SEO plugin in the market used by over 3 million website owners. 


It’s very easy to use and lets you optimize your website for SEO without any technical skills. This means more traffic from the search engines and social media, and more eyes on your products. 

Note: There is a free version of the plugin, but we’ll be using the Pro version since it includes the WooCommerce SEO features we need. 

First thing you need to do is install, activate, and setup the plugin. For more details, see our guide on how to setup All in One SEO for WordPress correctly.

After that, you can optimize your product titles by opening the page for a product and scrolling down to the ‘AIOSEO Settings’ box below the product editor.

Here you can change the product’s SEO title and description. You can use the smart tags to automatically generate descriptions based on your product details, or enter a custom title and description instead.

Optimize product title with AIOSEO

Make sure that you use your main product keyword in both the title and meta description fields.

After that, click on the ‘Social’ tab to optimize how your product will display across social media. 

AIOSEO product social sharing settings

You have complete control over the product image you want to use, which will help you get more engagement from your followers.

Next, click the ‘Schema’ tab. Schema markup lets the search engines better display your content in the search results. 

If you’ve seen product listings with prices, star ratings, and more, then you’ve seen product schema in action.

Schema search example

All in One SEO will automatically choose the right schema type for your products and fill in the pricing, availability, and more.

You can also add additional schema markup, including the brand, identifier type, and identifier fields. Identifiers can be any unique ID such as ISBNs, GTIN codes, or UUIDs.

AIOSEO product schema

Once you’re done customizing your product listing for SEO, make sure to click the ‘Update’ button to save your changes. 

For more details, see our ultimate WooCommerce SEO guide for ranking higher in Google. 

We hope this article helped you learn how to add product tags, attributes, and categories to WooCommerce. You may also want to see our expert picks of the best WooCommerce plugins for your store and our guide on how to create an email newsletter the right way.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add Product Tags, Attributes, and Categories to WooCommerce first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Connect WooCommerce to your Facebook Shop

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How to Connect WooCommerce to your Facebook ShopFacebook offers one of the finest ways to reach more people if you want to promote products through social media. And for WooCommerce shop owners, connecting to your Facebook Shop is essential. Whether you are getting ready to launch or already own an online store, you can easily create your Facebook shop right away. You […]

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WooCommerce 5.7.0 Patches Security Issue that Could Potentially Leak Analytics Reports

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WooCommerce shipped version 5.7.0 through a forced update for some users earlier this week. The minor release was not billed as a security update but the following day WooCommerce published a post explaining that the plugin was vulnerable to having analytics reports leaked on some hosting configurations:

On September 21, 2021, our team released a security patch to address a server configuration setup used by some hosts, which under the right conditions may make some analytics reports publicly available.

This was technically classified as a broken access control vulnerability, according to the WPScan.

WordPress.org pushed an automatic update to affected stores beginning on September 21, for all sites that have not explicitly disabled automatic updates. The WooCommerce team created a patch for 18 versions back to 4.0.0, along with 17 patched versions of the WooCommerce Admin plugin. Those whose filesystem is set to read-only or who are running WooCommerce versions older than 4.0.0 will not have received the automatic update and should proceed to manually update their sites.

WooCommerce recommends users update to the latest version, which is now 5.7.1, or the highest number possible in your release branch. The security announcement post has detailed instructions for how store owners can check to see if their report files may have been downloaded.

More than 5 million WordPress sites use WooCommerce. At the time of publishing, 59.8% are running on version 5.4 or older. Only 12.8% are using the lates 5.7.x release. It’s not possible to see how many sites are still vulnerable, because WordPress.org only displays a breakdown for the major branches users have installed. Some site owners running older versions may still be active in applying security patches but not prepared to update to the latest release.

WooCommerce 5.7.1 was released earlier today after the team received multiple reports of broken sites following the 5.7.0 update. This release includes fixes for regressions and new bugs identified in the previous update.

Caddy Smarter Side Cart for WooCommerce

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Caddy Smarter Side Carts for WooCommerceWooCommerce is one of the most popular e-commerce plugins for WordPress with over 5 million active installations at the time of writing. The plugin helps you to convert a mere WordPress site into a powerful e-commerce platform perfect for any online store you have in mind. It ships with a ton of features including shop, product, […]

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How to Accept Multiple Currencies in WooCommerce

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How to Accept Multiple Currencies in WooCommerceAs an online store owner, you want to grow your customer base. One way to do that is to start selling globally. In fact, almost 93% of online retailers accept international payments and offer international commerce. For this, you will need to set up your online store to accept multiple currencies in WooCommerce. In this […]

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How to Create Custom WooCommerce Product Pages

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How to Create Custom WooCommerce Product PagesWant to learn how to easily customize your WooCommerce product pages? If you run an online store, you probably want to ensure your single-product pages look great, are organized correctly, and match your branding. This can be hard to do if you’re only relying on WooCommerce and your theme to make changes because you’re more […]

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