How To Use ggshield To Avoid Hardcoded Secrets [Cheat Sheet Included]

Most developers love working in the terminal, tying together all sorts of tools with command line interfaces, CLIs, via scripting. Working with CLIs is powerful, but it can be challenging to initially learn all the ways a tool can help you do your work. While the only real way to learn any tool is by using it, one time-tested method to get over the learning curve is to keep a short list of common commands, as well as concept recaps, on hand for using the tools.

At the same time, it is pretty common to adopt a tool for one or two specific functions, without investigating what other commands a tool offers. For example, just think about how many Git commands you use regularly out of the 164 currently available commands. Getting a holistic view of how a command line tool is structured and the possible commands can help you make better use of the platform.
