TextGears Adds Grammar Analysis to API Platform

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TextGears provides an API platform for automated text analysis and correction, has now added a new Grammar Check API to its product offering. By adding this functionality, TextGears now provides developers with a one-stop shop for text analysis, grammar correction, and syntax moderation. 

error with class, interface, or enum expected


help me to identify the problem with this code

public class Calculate
    int service;
    int price(int total, int amount, int currency)//overloading
        int price(int total, int amount)//overloading
            return service;

C:\Users\User\Documents\Calculate.java:12: error: class, interface, or enum expected
int price(int total, int amount, int currency)//overloading
C:\Users\User\Documents\Calculate.java:17: error: class, interface, or enum expected
 this is the error: