Top 10 Open Source Projects for SREs and DevOps

Building scalable and highly reliable software systems is the ultimate goal of every SRE out there. Follow the path of continuous learning with the help of our latest blog which outlines some of the most sought out open source projects in the monitoring, deployment, and maintenance space.

The path to becoming a successful SRE lies in continuous learning. There are a plethora of great open source projects out there for SREs/DevOps, each with new and exciting implementations and often tackling unique challenges. These open-source projects do the heavy lifting so you can do your job more easily. In addition to the open source projects, there's always more continuous learning platforms like this one that has a free trial.

5 Emotionally Intelligent Habits For Handling Frustration At Work

That sudden rush of anger when a coworker blames you, a feeling of disappointment when your idea is rejected, resentment towards an egocentric boss, and the stress of meeting other people's expectations can be a constant source of frustration at work.

Just like a rubber band you feel stretched to your limits, ready to break at any moment. One tiny push in the wrong direction can wreak havoc in your mind, break your world apart and distract you from being productive in your work.

Every single day there's so much to dislike about work. A boss who doesn't care, coworkers who are mean, clients who nitpick, a support team that doesn't care to respond, meetings that suck away into your time and energy, and emails and messages that live in a world of their own with no sense of time.

Ionic App Development Over Other Frameworks: Is It Hyped?

Developing a mobile application involves several tasks. There are only two major platforms of mobile applications- Android and iOS. Developers use kotlin and Java to build Android applications while use Objective C and Swift to develop iOS applications. The native development process offers premium performance and API integration and easy to access hardware devices and much more.

One thing you need to keep in mind while doing native app development is that it’s costly, and it depends on the number of platforms you want to cover. This means different applications from different platforms, two codebases, two separate development projects, double the expenses.

Application Development for Embedded Systems

Embedded systems are growing smarter and intelligent across embedded domains. Thanks to the remarkable advancements in the field of electronics, especially wireless communication technologies, SoCs, Microcontrollers, FPGAs, networking techniques, and cognitive computing among others that support ultra-fast communication and data exchange. The trend is spanning across the embedded landscape including automotive, industrial automation, semiconductor, consumer electronics, avionics, energy, and healthcare domains.

While we talk about the explosive growth of embedded systems, we cannot ignore one significant factor that is fostering these advancements — Embedded Apps. Needless to say, embedded apps, with their advanced features as well as intuitive and user-friendly nature, are becoming key to any technological innovation in the modern era.Application Development for Embedded Systems

How to rewrite this using .WHILE, .IF, .ELSE, ENDW, ENDIF?


Bank DWORD 10 
rNum DWORD ?

welcomeMsg BYTE "Welcome to the dice guess game. it costs $1.00 to play. " , 0dh, 0ah, 0
contMsg BYTE "Would you like to continue? (y/n)", 0dh, 0ah, 0
prompt1 BYTE "Please enter your guess for the next roll. It only costs $1.00 to play", 0dh, 0ah, 0
prompt2 BYTE "If you are correct I will pay you $10.00:", 0dh, 0ah, 0
winnerMsg BYTE "Winner! The dice rolled ", 0
loserMsg BYTE "Sorry you lose. The dice rolled ", 0
bankMsg BYTE "Your bank is now  $", 0
quitMsg BYTE "Thanks for Playing " , 0dh, 0ah, 0

main PROC

        mov eax, 0                                              ; seed with time of day clock
        call randSeed                                           ; Seed the random number generator
        mov edx, OFFSET welcomeMsg                              ; Output the welcome message
        call writeString
        mov edx, OFFSET contMsg                                 ; prompt to continue
        call writeString
        call readChar                                           ; Read the response
        cmp al, 'y'                                             ; Check for lower case y
        je game                                                 ; Want to play jump to game
        cmp al, 'Y'                                             ; Check for uppercase Y
        je game                                                 ; Want to play jump to game
        call exitProgram                                        ; Don't want to play let's exit


        mov eax, 6                                              ; Random number between 0 and 5
        call randRange                                          ; generate random number
        inc eax                                                 ; add 1 to up range to 1 and 6
        mov rNum, eax                                           ; store the random number

    call writeBank                                              ; write the bank
        call writePrompt                                        ; prompt for input
        call readInt                                            ; get guess

        cmp eax, rNum                                           ; compare the guess to the random number
        jne losers                                              ; jump if not equal to loser

winners:                                                                ; not loser let fall through to winnder
        mov edx, OFFSET winnerMsg                               ; write winner message
        call writeString
        add bank, 10                                            ; add winnings to bank
        jmp prompt                                              ; see if user wants to continue


        mov edx, OFFSET loserMsg                                ; write the loser message
        call writeString
        sub bank, 1                                             ; subtract bet from bank

         mov eax, rNum                                          ; output the random number
         call writeInt
         endl                                                   ; Write a newline
         call writeBank                                         ; output the current bank
         mov edx, OFFSET contMsg                                ; ask if user wants to continue
         call writeString
     call readChar                                              ; read user response
         cmp al, 'y'
         je game
         cmp al, 'Y'
         je game                                                ; jmp back to game if use want to continue
         call exitProgram                                       ; otherwise exit the program 

main ENDP

writePrompt PROC

        mov edx, OFFSET  prompt1
        call writeString
        mov edx, OFFSET prompt2
        call writeString


writePrompt ENDP

writeBank PROC


        mov edx, OFFSET bankMsg
        call writeString
        mov eax, Bank
        call writeInt


writeBank ENDP

exitProgram PROC

        mov edx, OFFSET quitMsg
        call writeString

exitProgram ENDP
END main

Hi I was wondering how I can rewrite this using .WHILE, .IF, .ELSE, ENDW, ENDIF

Unable to access external HD

I'm trying to save something on my external HD, but I get this error:

Unable to access "TOSHIBA EXT"

Not authorized to perform operation (polkit authority not available and caller is not uid 0)

I made a snapshot of the error window, but that doesn't go to well either. I would say, this is enough information to help me out. If not, we'll see later.

I use Ubuntu 20.10


MySize Launches Clothes Sizing SDK for eCommerce Platforms

MySize, Inc, the developer and creator of e-commerce measurement solutions, announced the launch of its MySizeID E-Commerce Plugin SDK. The SDK enables e-commerce companies to create a MySizeID plugin and share it with their customers (online store owners) over their app marketplace. The plugin enables business owners to provide their shoppers with the right size for apparel.

convert c++ code to python… please help me T-T

hello, i barely know how to use python and i need to write a cubic spline interpolation code in python for my programming assignment . I have C++ code but i know nothing about c++ so can someone help me to convert that code to python code?
this is a very important and i don't have eneugh time to learn how to do it by myself, so i really need someone's help.

the exmple in the attachement is the same example in the c++ code.

/*Modele  pour la construction des fonction g(x) de cubiquesSpline */
using namespace std;
#define  n  5

double S[n+1];
double x[]={1,2,3,4,5,6};
double y[]={1.0,3.1,1.5,2.5,3.4,1.98};
int main()
int i;
double a[n+1],b[n+1],c[n+1],d[n+1],h[n+1];
double *ai, *bi,*ci,*di;
double m;
ai=new double[n+2];
bi=new double[n+2];
ci=new double[n+2];
di=new double[n+2];

for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)
cout <<"x[i] \t      y[i]"<<endl;
for(int i=0;i<=n;i++)
    cout << x[i]<<"\t"<<y[i]<<endl;
for(int i=1;i<=n-1;i++)

for(int i=1;i<=n;i++)
for(int i=n-1;i>=0;i--)
cout<<"g(i)   \t   a[i] \t   b[i] \t   c[i] \t   d[i]"<<endl;  
for (i=0;i<=4;i++)
 cout<<i<<"\t"<<a[i]<< "\t"<<b[i]<<"\t"<<c[i]<<"\t"<<d[i]<< endl ;
delete [] ai,bi,ci,di;
 return 0;   

4 Ways CSPM Can Help Improve and Scale Cloud Security

Chances are, it wasn’t long ago that your organization started using cloud computing as an alternative to physical data centers. Even though the cloud is still a relatively recent innovation, it’s already shifted the way organizations function, allowing for IT to go beyond being a cost center and drive business innovation through greater agility and on-demand global reach. 

But, whether you’re just now migrating to the cloud or have been operating in a fully cloud-native way for a while, there’s one thing that needs to be your focus, no matter what: security.

How to Successfully Implement DevOps Techniques Into Your Project

Any innovation should start with a solid business case, and DevOps is not an exception. Why should businesses invest in the changes needed to implement DevOps? In this article, we will answer this question and discuss how to effectively implement DevOps methods in a project.

Setting the Stage for DevOps Implementation

IT technologies have a huge impact on the development of modern businesses. These changes are described in detail in Why Software Is Eating The World by Marc Andreessen. It's not hard to cite a few examples of tech startups that have already made a significant contribution or even changed the entire industry. For this purpose, one can simply look at the radical changes in the retail, transportation, and hospitality industries, which were caused by software innovations from companies such as Amazon, Uber, and Airbnb.

Your Roadmap for the Agile Scaling Framework Landscape

Agile has been a buzzword for decades now, and its popularity has led to a litany of different methodologies and practices, which only get more complicated at scale. It can be daunting to consider scaling Agile, despite the apparent benefits the methodology offers. But, it doesn't need to be! Read on for your guide to the Agile scaling framework landscape and how to choose the best one for your team.

Agile is slowly but surely replacing the Waterfall technique, a time-consuming model that leaves no room for fast changes. As the software development industry moves more quickly, delays caused by the Waterfall model's slow feedback and approval processes created huge risks, sometimes rendering a product obsolete before it even went to market.

Integrating With Microsoft Graph API

Microsoft offers a RESTful web service named Microsoft Graph API. The scope of the Microsoft Graph API is pretty large and allows all your entities on Office365 to connect to one another.

The following sections are available on MS Graph:

Registration Form with confirmation or welcome email after sign up

Hi guys, this is my first post on the forum and I am in need of some help. I am a PHP beginner and I have been trying to come up with a solution to my issue for a while now. I am trying to make a system where a user registers and after the submit button is pressed a welcome message is displayed on the screen along with a confirmation email. This is where I am struggling. I got my registeration system working however integrating this with the confirmation email is very difficult and I don't understand how to structure this at all. I would be very grateful is somebody could help me out. Thank you!

include 'form.html.php';
use \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\PHPMailer;
use \PHPMailer\PHPMailer\Exception;

//insert new user
if (isset($_GET['addform']))

    include '../admin/includes/';
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO author SET name = :name, email = :email, password = :password';
        $s = $pdo->prepare($sql);
        $s->bindvalue(':name', $_POST['name']);
        $s->bindvalue(':email', $_POST['email']);
        $s->bindvalue(':password', md5($_POST['password']. '')); //MY SALT IS MEANT TO BE WITHIN THE '' AT THE END
    catch (PDOException $e)
        $error = 'Error with registration.';
        include 'error.html.php';

    $mail=new PHPMailer(true); // Passing `true` enables exceptions

try {
    $mail->isSMTP(); // Set mailer to use SMTP
    $mail->SMTPAuth=true; // Enable SMTP authentication
    $mail->Username=''; // SMTP username - MY DETAILS GO HERE 
    $mail->Password=''; // SMTP password - MY DETAILS GO HERE 

    $mail->setFrom(''); //MY DETAILS GO HERE  

    $mail->addAddress('');     // Add a recipient //MY DETAILS GO HERE  

    $mail->isHTML(true); // Set email format to HTML
    $mail->Subject='Registeration Successful';
    $mail->Body='Thank You for registering with us. We hope to see you soon! <b>Happy Cooking</b>';
    $mail->AltBody='This is the body in plain text for non-HTML mail clients';


    echo 'Message has been sent';
catch(Exception $e) {
    echo 'Message could not be sent.';
    echo 'Mailer Error: '.$mail->ErrorInfo;

    $authorid = $pdo->lastInsertId();
        $sql = 'INSERT INTO authorrole SET 
        authorid = :authorid, 
        roleid = :roleid';
        $s = $pdo->prepare($sql);
        $s->bindvalue(':authorid', $authorid);
        $s->bindvalue(':roleid', 'User');
    catch (PDOException $e)
        $error = 'Error assigning selected role to user.';
        include 'error.html.php';

Convert FFT python to C#

I have a very little approach with coding in C# in please help converting this python code into c#.

# Python example - Fourier transform using numpy.fft method

import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plotter

# How many time points are needed i,e., Sampling Frequency

samplingFrequency   = 100;

# At what intervals time points are sampled

samplingInterval       = 1 / samplingFrequency;

# Begin time period of the signals

beginTime           = 0;

# End time period of the signals

endTime             = 10; 

# Frequency of the signals

signal1Frequency     = 4;

signal2Frequency     = 7;

# Time points

time        = np.arange(beginTime, endTime, samplingInterval);

# Create two sine waves

amplitude1 = np.sin(2*np.pi*signal1Frequency*time)

amplitude2 = np.sin(2*np.pi*signal2Frequency*time)

# Create subplot

figure, axis = plotter.subplots(4, 1)


# Time domain representation for sine wave 1

axis[0].set_title('Sine wave with a frequency of 4 Hz')

axis[0].plot(time, amplitude1)



# Time domain representation for sine wave 2

axis[1].set_title('Sine wave with a frequency of 7 Hz')

axis[1].plot(time, amplitude2)



# Add the sine waves

amplitude = amplitude1 + amplitude2

# Time domain representation of the resultant sine wave

axis[2].set_title('Sine wave with multiple frequencies')

axis[2].plot(time, amplitude)



# Frequency domain representation

fourierTransform = np.fft.fft(amplitude)/len(amplitude)           # Normalize amplitude

fourierTransform = fourierTransform[range(int(len(amplitude)/2))] # Exclude sampling frequency

tpCount     = len(amplitude)

values      = np.arange(int(tpCount/2))

timePeriod  = tpCount/samplingFrequency

frequencies = values/timePeriod

# Frequency domain representation

axis[3].set_title('Fourier transform depicting the frequency components')

axis[3].plot(frequencies, abs(fourierTransform))

