4 Tips on Building an Effective Intranet Website Using WordPress

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Communication is the glue that keeps teams and organizations together. When communication is done correctly, team members can work seamlessly with each other, and the organization as a whole can grow exponentially. More and more businesses are now setting up their own intranet website to allow team members to share information and documents, communicate with […]

The post 4 Tips on Building an Effective Intranet Website Using WordPress appeared first on WPArena.

Your Guide to Blogger Outreach: How-To and What You Should Know

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You’ve followed all of the marketing guides, sales funnel tips, and carefully built your subscriber list, yet your online business seems to be plateauing. What gives? This problem is common for a lot of online business owners. You don’t really want to use typical social media influencers because it feels… overdone or fake. Instead, you’d […]

The post Your Guide to Blogger Outreach: How-To and What You Should Know appeared first on WPArena.

How to move tkinter window | override-redirect flag


I have already created functions to handle that. But it's shacking when i try to move( After add more widgets). Can somebody help me with that.

from tkinter import *
from PIL import Image, ImageTk
import time

class modtk(Tk):
    toptitlebar = None
    maincanvaswindow = None
    resizeon = False
    dragging = False

    def updatetopbut(self, event):

    def downdatetopbut(self, event):

    def modify(self, title="tk", icon=None, titlebg="#ffffff", titlefg="#000000", bg="#EBEBEB"):
        self.tt = title
        self.ico = icon
        self.ttbg = titlebg
        self.ttfg = titlefg
        self.bgbg = bg
        self.width = 150
        self.height = 200
        self.maximized = False
        self.map = 0
        self.resizeside = None
        self.moveok = False
        self.minsizex = 0
        self.minsizey = 0
        self.resizeadjx = self.winfo_rootx()
        self.resizeadjy = self.winfo_rooty()
        if not icon == None:
                icon = Image.open(icon)
                icon = icon.resize((30, 30))
                icon = ImageTk.PhotoImage(icon)
            except Exception as e:
                print(e, "File should be a .png file.")
                icon = None
        __class__.toptitlebar = Frame(self, height=34, bd=0, highlightthickness=1, highlightbackground="#000000",
        __class__.toptitlebar.pack(side=TOP, fill=X)

        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.SaveLastClickPos)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.Dragging)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.maximize)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<Enter>", self.updatetopbut)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<Leave>", self.downdatetopbut)
        __class__.toptitlebar.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.releaseresize)

        self.titlelabel = Label(__class__.toptitlebar, bg=titlebg, fg=titlefg, bd=0, padx=0, pady=0)
        self.titlelabel.image = icon
        self.titlelabel.config(image=icon, compound=LEFT, text="   %s" % title)
        self.titlelabel.place(x=0, y=0)

        self.titlelabel.bind("<ButtonPress-1>", self.SaveLastClickPos)
        self.titlelabel.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.Dragging)
        self.titlelabel.bind("<Double-Button-1>", self.maximize)
        self.closefunction = lambda event: self.destroy()

        self.closebutton = Label(__class__.toptitlebar, text="X",
                                 bg=titlebg, fg=titlebg,
                                 padx=14, pady=7)

        self.closebutton.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: self.closebutton.config(bg="#FF0000"))
        self.closebutton.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: self.closebutton.config(bg=titlebg))
        self.closebutton.bind("<Button-1>", self.closefunction)

        self.fullscreenbutton = Label(__class__.toptitlebar, text="[]",
                                      bg=titlebg, fg=titlebg,
                                      padx=14, pady=7)

        self.fullscreenbutton.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: self.fullscreenbutton.config(bg="#dddddd"))
        self.fullscreenbutton.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: self.fullscreenbutton.config(bg=titlebg))
        self.fullscreenbutton.bind("<Button-1>", self.maximize)

        self.minimizebutton = Label(__class__.toptitlebar, text="-",
                                    bg=titlebg, fg=titlebg,
                                    padx=14, pady=7)

        self.minimizebutton.bind("<Enter>", lambda event: self.minimizebutton.config(bg="#dddddd"))
        self.minimizebutton.bind("<Leave>", lambda event: self.minimizebutton.config(bg=titlebg))
        self.minimizebutton.bind("<Button-1>", self.minimize)
        self.bind("<Map>", self.frame_mapped)

        __class__.maincanvaswindow = Canvas(self, width=self.width, height=self.height, bg=bg, highlightthickness=1,

        self.bind("<Button-1>", self.startresize)
        self.bind("<B1-Motion>", self.resizewin)
        self.bind("<Motion>", self.isonresize)
        self.bind("<ButtonRelease-1>", self.releaseresize)

        self.lastClickX = 0
        self.lastClickY = 0
        self.map = 0
        self.maximized = False
`Inline Code Example Here`
    def modgeometry(self, w, h, x=None, y=None):
        w = int(w)
        h = int(h)
        self.width = w
        self.height = h
        if (__class__.maincanvaswindow.winfo_width() != w or __class__.maincanvaswindow.winfo_height() != h) and not __class__.resizeon and not __class__.dragging:
            __class__.maincanvaswindow.config(width=w, height=h)
        if not x == None or not y == None:
            x = int(x)
            y = int(y)
            self.geometry('%dx%d+%d+%d' % (w, (h + 33), x, y))
            self.geometry('%dx%d' % (w, (h + 33)))
`Inline Code Example Here`
    def SaveLastClickPos(self, event):
        if not self.maximized:
            if event.y > 5 and event.x > 5 and event.x < (self.winfo_width() - 5):
                self.lastClickX = event.x
                self.lastClickY = event.y
                self.moveok = True
                self.moveok = False
`Inline Code Example Here`
    def Dragging(self, event):
        if self.moveok:
            if not self.maximized:
                x = self.winfo_x() + (event.x - self.lastClickX)
                y = self.winfo_y() + (event.y - self.lastClickY)
                self.modgeometry(self.winfo_width(), (self.winfo_height() - 33), x, y)

    def frame_mapped(self, event=None):
        if self.map == 5:
            # self.deiconify()
            self.map = 0
            self.map += 1

    def minimize(self, event=None):
        #self.map = 0

    def maximize(self, event=None):
        if not self.maximized:
            self.oldwidth = self.winfo_width()
            self.oldheight = self.winfo_height()
            self.oldx = self.winfo_x()
            self.oldy = self.winfo_y()
            self.maximized = True
            self.modgeometry(self.winfo_screenwidth(), (self.winfo_screenheight() - 33), 0, 0)
            self.maximized = False
            self.modgeometry(self.oldwidth, self.oldheight, self.oldx, self.oldy)

    def closefunc(self, func):
        self.closefunction = lambda event: func()
        self.closebutton.bind("<Button-1>", self.closefunction)

    def winfo_heightr(self):
        return (self.winfo_height() - 33)

    def startresize(self, event=None):
        if not self.maximized:
            #if event.widget == __class__.maincanvaswindow:
            if True:
                self.resizelastx = event.x
                self.resizelasty = event.y
                self.resizelastw = self.winfo_width()
                self.resizelasth = self.winfo_height() - 33
                self.resizeadjx = self.winfo_rootx()
                self.resizeadjy = self.winfo_rooty()
                __class__.resizeon = True
                nonety = True
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y < (self.winfo_height() - 33 -5):
##                    self.resizeside = "left"
##                    nonety = False
                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y < (self.winfo_height() - 33 -5):
                    self.resizeside = "right"
                    nonety = False
                if event.y >(self.winfo_height() -33 - 5) and event.x > 5 and event.x < (self.winfo_width() - 5):
                    self.resizeside = "down"
                    nonety = False
                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y > (self.winfo_height() - 33 - 5):
                    self.resizeside = "rightdown"
                    nonety = False
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y > (self.winfo_height() -33 - 5):
##                    self.resizeside = "leftdown"
##                    nonety = False
                if nonety:
                    self.resizeside = ""
##            elif event.widget == __class__.toptitlebar:
##                self.resizelastx = event.x
##                self.resizelasty = event.y
##                self.resizelastw = self.winfo_width()
##                self.resizelasth = self.winfo_height() - 33
##                self.resizeadjx = self.winfo_rootx()
##                self.resizeadjy = self.winfo_rooty()
##                print("titlebar")
##                nonety = True
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y > 5:
##                    self.resizeside = "left"
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.y < 5 and event.x > 5 and event.x < (self.winfo_width() - 5):
##                    self.resizeside = "up"
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y < 5:
##                    self.resizeside = "leftup"
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y > 5:
##                    self.resizeside = "right"
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y < 5:
##                    self.resizeside = "rightup"
##                    nonety = False
##                if nonety:
##                    self.resizeside = ""
##            else:
##                self.resizeside = ""

    def isonresize(self, event=None):
        if not self.maximized:
            #if event.widget == __class__.maincanvaswindow:
            if True:
                nonety = True
##                if event.x < 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_we")
##                    nonety = False
                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5):
                    nonety = False
                if event.y >(self.winfo_height() - 33 - 5):
                    nonety = False
                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y > (self.winfo_height() - 33 - 5):
                    nonety = False
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y > (self.winfo_height() - 33 - 5):
##                    self.config(cursor="size_ne_sw")
##                    nonety = False
                if nonety:
##            elif event.widget == __class__.toptitlebar:
##                print("titlebar")
##                nonety = True
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y > 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_we")
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.y < 5 and event.x > 5 and event.x < (self.winfo_width() - 5):
##                    self.config(cursor="size_ns")
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x < 5 and event.y < 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_nw_se")
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y > 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_we")
##                    nonety = False
##                if event.x > (self.winfo_width() - 5) and event.y < 5:
##                    self.config(cursor="size_ne_sw")
##                    nonety = False
##                if nonety:
##                    self.config(cursor="")
##            else:
##                self.config(cursor="")

    def resizewin(self, event=None):
        if not self.maximized:
            if self.resizeside == "right":
                neww = self.width + (event.x - self.resizelastx)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                self.resizelastx = neww
                self.modgeometry(neww, self.resizelasth)
            if self.resizeside == "rightdown":
                neww = self.width + (event.x - self.resizelastx)
                newh = self.height + (event.y - self.resizelasty)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                self.resizelastx = neww
                self.resizelasty = newh
                self.modgeometry(neww, newh)
            if self.resizeside == "down":
                newh = self.height + (event.y - self.resizelasty)
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                self.resizelasty = newh
                self.modgeometry(self.resizelastw, newh)
            if self.resizeside == "rightup":
                neww = self.width + (event.x - self.resizelastx)
                newh = self.resizelasth + (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                self.resizelastx = neww
                newy = self.resizeadjy - (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                newx = self.resizeadjx
                self.modgeometry(neww, newh, newx, newy)
            if self.resizeside == "up":
                newh = self.resizelasth + (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                newy = self.resizeadjy - (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                newx = self.resizeadjx
                self.modgeometry(self.resizelastw, newh, newx, newy)
            if self.resizeside == "leftup":
                neww = self.resizelastw + (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                newh = self.resizelasth + (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                newy = self.resizeadjy - (self.resizelasty - event.y)
                newx = self.resizeadjx - (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                self.modgeometry(neww, newh, newx, newy)
            if self.resizeside == "left":
                neww = self.resizelastw + (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                newx = self.resizeadjx - (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                    newx = self.resizeadjx
                newy = self.resizeadjy
                self.modgeometry(neww, self.resizelasth, newx, newy)
            if self.resizeside == "leftdown":
                neww = self.resizelastw + (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                newh = self.height + (event.y - self.resizelasty)
                if neww < self.minsizex:
                    neww = self.minsizex
                if newh < self.minsizey:
                    newh = self.minsizey
                self.resizelasty = newh
                newx = self.resizeadjx - (self.resizelastx - event.x)
                newy = self.resizeadjy
                self.modgeometry(neww, self.resizelasth, newx, newy)

    def releaseresize(self, event=None):
        if __class__.resizeon:
            __class__.resizeon = False
            self.width = self.winfo_width()
            self.height = self.winfo_heightr()
            __class__.maincanvaswindow.config(width=self.winfo_width(), height=self.winfo_heightr())
        if __class__.dragging:
            __class__.dragging = False

    def modminsize(self, event=None, w=None, h=None):
        if w != None:
            self.minsizex = w
        if h != None:
            self.minsizey = h

    def updatewin(self):

    def wmroot(self):
        return __class__.maincanvaswindow

    def retwm(self):
        return self

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = modtk()
    root.modify(title="Modified window", titlebg="#000427", titlefg="#ffffff")
    root.modgeometry(600, 400)
    root.modminsize(600, 400)

    label01 = Label(root.wmroot(), text="This works")

    def closewin():


    windowExit = False

    while not windowExit:

        label01.place(x=(root.winfo_width() // 2), y=(root.winfo_heightr() // 2))




Uploading Avatars and Screenshots is better, too.

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With all this recent work we did upgrading our Asset Hosting feature, there were some side-benefits around the app as well.

For example, as a PRO member, you can upload replacement screenshots for your Pens if you wish to. The uploader for those is the much nicer Filestack uploader now. Here’s how that works:

Similarly, avatar uploading users the new upload experience. So you can upload whatever ol’ image you have around (to your profile settings), even if it’s gigantic or the wrong size, and you’ll have the opportunity to crop it as you upload it:

We’ll take care of making sure it’s sized properly and being served as snappily as we can!

We even use this stuff internally. For example, when we build the email we send out each week for the CodePen Challenges, we have this slick little uploader to use for ourselves, making our own workflows just all that much smoother.

The post Uploading Avatars and Screenshots is better, too. appeared first on CodePen Blog.

6 Way to Upgrade the Look of Your WordPress

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Your website can be two things: an asset, or just there. The difference between the two can be very subtle, but have an online asset can drive business like you’ve never imagined. So, how do you turn your website from a random property into an asset for your business? By focusing on two major factors: style and performance.

Get a New Theme

One of the easiest ways to upgrade the look and feel of your WordPress website is by picking a new theme. There are tons of themes out there to choose from, so you just have to find the one that speaks to you. You can find tons of themes for your WordPress on sites like Envato ThemeForest, and they come packed with reviews and documentation as well. Take your time when you are finding a theme, and pay extra close attention to the reviews. You want to find a theme that is easy to use and fast. If the reviews talk about those two things, you are in a better place. Also, when you find a theme you like on Envato, make sure you check out the actual website for the theme as well. If the author hasn’t taken the time to secure the site they sell it from, it’s probably going to be a pain to secure it on your own. The websites for the themes will give you a more in-depth look at the theme’s look and potential, and you will get to see it in action.

Build Your Own Pages

Another great way to create stylish pages quickly is by using a page builder. Page builders like Elementor let you use any theme you want and allows you to build custom pages within the theme. These page builders are normally very fast, and the style you can create using them is endless. If the builder you pick doesn’t have enough style for your liking, you might want to look into builder extensions like Ultimate Addons or JET plugins can add advanced modules into your page builder. These add-on packages help you get all of the crazy functionality you see on your competitors’ sites.

Hire a Professional Photographer

The pictures on your site tell a story, so you want to make sure the pictures you use directly relate to what you can offer. Instead of using simple stock photos to get your site up and running, you should work with professional photographers and graphic designers to create the perfect images for your website. This is the best way to make sure that your website is truly unique from top to bottom, and it will stop you from spending hours sifting through free stock photos on Google to find what you are looking for. A picture is worth a thousand words, so make sure those words directly relate to what you offer on your website.

Change Site Colors to Meet Contrast Requirements

Have you ever been to a website and had a hard time reading the text on the page? Most of the time this comes down to not meeting contrast requirements. When you are picking your colors for your site, you want to make sure that the background colors and foreground text colors are high enough contrast to read. If you don’t have a high enough contrast between the text and background colors, your text will start to blur on the page. If you have never checked to see if your colors have high enough contrast, you should use that link above to check it. You want to make sure that your contrast level passes all of the tests, so your text doesn’t blur on any devices. As a bonus, doing this will boost your accessibility score on your website.

Clean Up Your Code

Finally, you really want to make sure your code is caching and compiling correctly. You can use tools the Google Schema Tool to check your base code on the site and make sure you don’t have any small errors penalizing your site. If you are using href-lang on your site, this is extremely important to check. The smallest issues with href-lang can result in international visitors not getting the version of your page they need to understand what you are offering.

The post 6 Way to Upgrade the Look of Your WordPress appeared first on Photoshop Lady.

8 Photoshop Tips and Tricks All Photographers Should Know

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Sixty-eight percent of adults edit their selfies before sharing them with anyone.

Statistics show the growing importance of learning advanced editing skills. A photographer cannot publish a photo without altering it in some way.

Photoshop, the industry standard, has plenty of tools to make your photos stand out. Learning those tools on your own can be difficult though.

To help you learn, let’s take a quick look at 8 fantastic Photoshop tips and tricks.

A Note About Photoshop Tips and Tricks

Before we dive into the tips and tricks, remember a good photo is even more important than good editing. If you take a bad photo, no amount of strong editing can save it.

Editing can, of course, improve a photo, but you cannot rely on it solely. But taking great shots is a whole different topic to discuss.

If you’re struggling to find the best photos, businesses like this company can do it for you. Then you can just focus on what you do with Photoshop.

Also, you should be careful when editing humans in photos. People may find it quite offensive if you change their skin tone or body shape.

1. Burn Tool

The burn tool is one of the most important tools for photographers to be able to use with great efficiency.

With this tool, you can darken areas on your photo. This allows you to hide overexposed areas on your photos and focus on certain subjects.

Like an old vignette, the burn tool can also make the background or other parts of your photos fade away. This makes the viewer focus on the subject you don’t burn.

2. Dodge Tool

The dodge tool is the opposite of the burn tool. Instead of making areas darker, the dodge tool increases the light wherever you use it.

This fixes underexposed areas of your photos. And photographers can also use it to draw attention to objects in a photo.

For example, you might want to lighten up the face of your subject in a busy photo. This would make them stand out from the environment around them.

3. Magnetic Lasso Tool

The magnetic lasso tool is a lifesaver for meticulous editors.

This tool allows you to draw a line around an object and select it. After you select it, all edits you make will be in the selected section alone.

The magnetic lasso tool is easy to use because it automatically attaches to objects. You don’t have to draw a perfect line, and you can move the line around if Photoshop picks the wrong spot.

Magnetic lasso tools are useful for any type of photo editing. Combining burning and dodging with this tool also proves effective for detailed editing.

4. Clone Stamp Tool

This is a must have for any photographer, but you have to be careful when you’re using it. You could easily make the next famous photoshop fail, which isn’t as fun when it happens to you.

This is useful for copying large parts of photos or matching colors. Let’s say you have one tree in a photo and want two, the clone stamp tool can grow a second tree for you.

First, you select a part of your photograph you want to clone. Then, you stamp the selected object wherever you want on the photo.

If you move your cursor, Photoshop will move the clone spot. The next time you stamp, the clone stamp will use the new area.

5. Spot Healing Tool

The spot healing tool is one of the famous photography tools used for models. The tool allows you to paint over part of your photo with another color in the photo.

You pick a sample source anywhere on the photo. Photoshop then perfectly matches the sample source’s color. Then, you can cover up spots with the tool.

Portrait photographers often use this to remove a blemish, freckle, or pimple. Nature photographers may use it to get rid of rot on a plant.

6. Layer Masking

Layer masking is an advanced editing tool you may not need for basic photography.

Explaining Layers

Layers are different photos stacked on top of each other. The top layer is your main photo, and layers below that only show if you tell Photoshop to show them.

For example, let’s say you want to make a normal photo of your friend look like they are in Antartica. You could make a second layer on Photoshop with a picture of Antartica.

Using the Masking Tool

With the masking tool, you can pinpoint exactly where you want a photo to show the second layer. For your friend in Antartica, you can cut out just their body and remove the rest of the photo.

And voila! The penguins have a new friend.

This is another tool to be careful with using. A simple mistake can make the whole photo look like a mess.

You might also use layer masking for face manipulation. Comedic face swaps are popular, and this tool is how you do it.

7. Blending Tools

The blending tool is a fun way to combine two photos. Often these photos are similar in nature, but they don’t have to be.

Photoshop stitches the two photos together to make one composite image. One photo is usually more prominent than the other.

You might have seen these types of photos when someone graduates from high school or college. Sometimes photographers blend a baby photo in the background of a graduation photo.

8. Liquify

Liquify is one of the most photo-altering tools you can use. Using liquify, you can make any part of the image widen, shrink, pulled, or puckered.

Controversy about photoshopping and body image in advertising is prevalent. But this tool is not limited to use on human subjects.

Designers who use Photoshop may use the liquify tool to alter an object in their design. It can give the whole photo a warped and purposefully unnatural view.

Next Steps

Because you have learned some Photoshop tips and tricks, you should be able to take your photos to the next level. Check out our other articles to learn more.

The post 8 Photoshop Tips and Tricks All Photographers Should Know appeared first on Photoshop Lady.

How to Easily Hide Widget Title in WordPress

Wp Plugins

Do you want to hide the title of a WordPress widget in your sidebar or footer?

WordPress widgets make it easy to drag and drop dynamic content into your theme to create unique layouts. However if you need to hide the widget title, then it typically requires coding knowledge of CSS and HTML.

In this article, we’ll show you how to easily hide the widget title in WordPress (without any code).

Hiding widget title in WordPress

Why Hide Widget Title in WordPress?

WordPress displays a default title for widgets, and it also allows you to rename them if you want. Most top WordPress themes will then display this title in the sidebar on your site.

Widgets titles displayed in sidebar

However, sometimes you may not want to display the widget title in the WordPress blog sidebar. By default, there is no built-in option to simply switch off widget titles.

That being said, let’s take a look at how you can easily hide the widget title in the WordPress sidebar.

Hiding Widget Title in WordPress

First, you want to install and activate the Widget Options plugin. For more details, please see our complete guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Once the plugin is activated, head over to Appearance » Widgets area in your WordPress admin area. Next, drag and drop a widget to your sidebar or any other widget-ready area on your site.

Drag and drop widget into sidebar

In this example, we’re going to remove the widget title ‘Search The Site’ from our search box in the sidebar.

Sidebar widget view

Simply click the arrow to open the widget and view the options to hide the title.

Hide widget title settings

Make sure you click on the ‘gear’ icon, and then check the box next to ‘Check to hide widget title’ and click the ‘Save’ button.

Now, when you view your site, the WordPress search box will appear without the widget title.

Widget title hidden on site

You can use this plugin to hide any widget title. The plugin also comes with multiple settings to hide or display titles based on page or post types and even screen sizes.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily hide widget titles in WordPress. You may also want to check out our list of the most useful WordPress widgets for your site, and our comparison of the best drag and drop WordPress page builder plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Easily Hide Widget Title in WordPress appeared first on WPBeginner.

5 Things You Should Keep in Mind Before Starting a Website

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Starting a website can be a fun journey for some of the tech wizards out there, and a relative nightmare for the rest of us. So before you take a leap of faith and jump-start this project, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

1.   The aim matters

This is where it all begins, your vision. What is your website about? What is it that you would like for your website to showcase? What is the call-to-action you hope your website’s visitors to make? As you answer the above questions, you will be able to utilize every aspect of your website to serve your aim. Not only that, but it will provide you with a detailed action plan that sets the tone for your website and guides you towards what you need to do next.

2.   Domain made easy

There are tons of domain hosts out there waiting for you to take a step, but it all boils down to selecting the domain name. How do you want to be remembered and linked to your audience? It is always advisable to select an easy name. If not your brand, then go for something relevant to your business. And choose wisely because changing it later can be a real hassle. Opt for simple and direct words that can cross language barriers, especially if you’re aiming for international engagement.

3.   Design and Navigation

At this stage, you probably have visited many websites of similar businesses and have a clearer idea of what you want and what you don’t want. But sometimes you can have the aim clearly set and the domain name settled, but you end up baffled when it comes to designing the layout and creating a convenient site map. Rodney Warner, owner of Creative Web Design (https://connectivewebdesign.com/) says that creating a website might sound easy, but it takes a village working in six interchangeable phases to get a website ready to launch. Your website’s design is absolutely crucial in representing your brand, and it’s the most accurate expression of your business.

4.   Easy to find and load

A website that loads within fleeting seconds makes it easier for visitors to access. Having an efficiently reliable host can provide that for you in addition to optimizing the media included on your website. But you need to keep in mind that the CSS code should initially be built to facilitate the scaling of your website to every screen your visitors might access from. This can easily be attained through a free of charge website.

5.   Content

Content will follow smoothly as your vision starts to clear. But you can still be creative with it. If your website is about selling products, creating content that describes the different uses is important. But don’t just stick to written words, use demonstrations, and provide testimonials. If you’re going for blog posts, think of the categories and writing style and tone; do you want it sophisticated, easy tips and tricks, short or long blog posts? All of this can be determined as you surf the internet and evaluate what would attract your visitors the most.

A website is important to any business as it shapes the first impression, so it can make or break your brand reputation. Having a clear vision of your aim, desired layout, and a few tricks here and there to facilitate the access would mean more visitors within a short amount of time.

The post 5 Things You Should Keep in Mind Before Starting a Website appeared first on Photoshop Lady.

How to Find the Best Free WordPress Hosting

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Website owners can spend hundreds of dollars a month on web hosting alone!

But if you operate a WordPress site, it is possible to spend $0 a month on hosting.

That’s right: free WordPress hosting does exist, provided you know where to look.

Of course, with anything that’s free, it’s essential to prioritize quality. Not all cheap WordPress hosts offer lightning-fast speeds and stellar service.

In this post, we discuss tips for finding the best free WordPress hosting that doesn’t sacrifice quality!

1. Identify Your Hosting Needs

What does a WordPress host actually do? Hosting services ensure that your website is accessible on the world wide web.

They also provide storage space for your content. Amounts vary depending on your hosting provider and plan. For example, a free WordPress hosting plan through WordPress itself offers 3 GB of storage.

As you seek out free WordPress hosting, figure out what you need from your WP host.

Are you launching a business website? Promoting a blog with lots of content, including images? If so, you’ll want to look at hosts that provide as much storage space and bandwidth as possible for their $0 price tag.

Hosting services can also influence how quickly your site loads. If you need lightning-fast loading speeds, look for hosts with Content Delivery Networks (CDNs). CDNs can offer a more efficient way of loading content for visitors.

Lastly, some web hosts enable email integration. This can be valuable for website owners who want custom email addresses that match their domain names. If this sounds like a need for you, keep it on your list as you browse free hosting plans. 

2. Research Hosts Who Have Been Around the WP Block

There are thousands, if not millions, of web hosts out there. Some have been around for longer than others. Narrow down your list of free WordPress hosts by prioritizing the ones who’ve been in the industry longer.

For example, X10Hosting, which offers cloud-based hosting, has been serving WordPress site owners for a decade. It’s built quite a reputation for cloud storage hosting, and yes, it has a free package!

You can also host your site for free through WordPress itself. This is always a safe bet, as WP powers a third of the internet! Keeping your free hosting in-house can also help you resolve any technical issues more quickly.

3. Make Room for Growth

As you expand your WordPress site, you may eventually end up wanting to upgrade to premium, paid hosting plans. It’s possible to find these for as little as $2.50 a month!

Depending on your site needs, you may also want to investigate other hosting services, including dedicated server, iRegister, or data center services. 

Make sure the host you choose enables users to scale for growth. Most free hosts will offer some sort of upgrade possibility. After all, they want to make money at some point!

Be wary, however, of hosts that continually nudge users for upgrades. This may signal lower quality $0 packages.

4. Test ‘Em Out

With free WordPress hosting, the truth does lie in the experience. Try on a host for size, and if it doesn’t meet your needs, switch to another.

Of course, switching hosts can be a bit of a pain. To save time and effort, spend time now researching the providers likely to help your WordPress site soar.

Final Thoughts: Free WordPress Hosting

Your WordPress site can be visible to the world at zero cost to you! As you seek out free WordPress hosting, research experienced hosts who will meet all of your storage, loading speed, and content delivery needs.

Once you’ve chosen your host, it’s time to ensure your site is secure. Check out our blog to learn more about the top WordPress plugins for security!

The post How to Find the Best Free WordPress Hosting appeared first on Photoshop Lady.